answer to how do we as individuals fix the world for our children. inpart from an adhd rando dude

1 year ago

answer form the tubey place to the question." what should we do to change this for our children and young peoples" a couple options on how to do better by our children and young beings. from the house to societal ideas here some fixes and idears for the possible fix of human kind. side note for the chickens in cities you all could go in and change that shit. by going to your local city council with a ballot or petition signed by the community. you elect them they have to do as their electors want. if not you don't vote them in. better you kick them to the curb and do it anyways. numbers equals results. remember we are beings not cattle not subserveint's, not servant's and not slaves. we are human. we are beings. we can choose to be free or we can choose to be enslaved. what's your choice in the comments below. also fellow beings what are your thoughts on this question? jamesklug and the beautiful being on the beach you guys are rockstars trully great beings keep being positive.

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