PowerGirl TACKLES Cyber Bullying with Entrepreneur Denise Stevens

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JOIN US as we TACKLE the critical conversation around Cyber Bullying. Denise Stevens is an accomplished entrepreneur, who brings her first hand experience of this crucial topic. Due to the fact that teen and even pre-teen suicide has been linked to abusive online behaviors, we will dive DEEP into the statistics and the consequences suffered by the survivors of this dangerous behavior.

The Pew Research Institute reported in December of 2022 that nearly half of U.S. teens have been bullied or harassed online. They found that offensive name calling was the most commonly reported form of online abuse. The report also revealed that teens do not feel as if their concerns are being met with REAL solutions. JOIN PowerGirl, Liberty Cowgirl and Denise Stevens as we EXPLORE solutions for those who find themselves targeted in this way.

Video Resources:

• Cyber Bullying Virus *cyberbullying* *mentalhealth*
• Cyberbullying | Vincent Parsons | TEDxPascoCountySchools
• New Law Makes Cyberbullying A Crime

Pew Research Center Report on Teens and Cyberbullying 2022 - https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2022/12/15/teens-and-cyberbullying-2022/

How the Internet Has Changed Bullying - https://www.newyorker.com/science/maria-konnikova/how-the-internet-has-changed-bullying

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