Ukrainian Security Service comes to arrest Victoria Kokhanovskaya

11 months ago

Ukrainian Security Service comes to arrest Victoria Kokhanovskaya, who is under house arrest for defending Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra — woman can face imprisonment

Following the seizure of several buildings of the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra and the expulsion of monks, the security services of Ukraine broke into the apartment of Victoria Kokhanovskaya and searched it. She now faces imprisonment for her opposition to the persecution of Orthodox Christians.

Victoria, one of the most prominent defenders of Orthodoxy in Ukraine, has already been attacked several times by violent radicals, and the Kyiv authorities have tried to put her behind bars. The human rights defender, who has serious health problems, has been under house arrest all this time, but apparently now it has been decided to put her in a cell. The woman is accused of "justifying Russian aggression" and refuses to allow her a lawyer.

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