Leftists Love Lies, Deceipt & Misinformation

11 months ago

Leftists (like this guy in the video) don’t make any sense. They just gaslight, steal the best parts of the right’s opinions on things, and manipulate other talking points to make them sound worse/artificially strengthen their broken viewpoints.

These people STRAIGHT UP LIE and this information spreads like wildfire and other leftists latch on to it and help it thrive. Then you end up with half the population believing skewed viewpoints all because someone like this guy starts and spreads misinformation!

Ironically, if you actually use researchable facts, especially if you identify as right wing, conservative and/or republican, they consider YOU as the misinformation. I don’t understand why people fight so hard for lies and so hard to hide/suppress the truth and reality.

Anyhow, when this braindead, thoroughly non-researched video made it’s way onto my FYP on tiktok, I had to make a response video. This is VERY bad and all his terrible points are easily verified as inaccurate. Yet all those lefties that liked this video will never do the work to point that out and will blindly agree with everything.

Comments on this video were like “ya, get this you a republican” and stuff like that and all I kept thinking is “how do these people not realize how propagandized this video is?? It contains NO truth or reality in it!”

ANYWAY (again), I don’t have time for stupidity and false narratives so here I am to break this trash apart.

I don’t know who the credit goes to for the original video, but I’m pretty sure there is a water mark stamp, so that should be sufficient enough.

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