Not Religious Robots, but Living Holy Sacrifices

10 months ago

I hear people say all of the time... Christianity is not a religion but a relationship with Jesus... Which is very true, unless...

From the very beginning of creation of man, God would come and walk with Adam in the cool of the morning, until Adam and Eve rebelled against God and ate of the fruit... From that moment there began different forms of deceptions for man to acquire his own form of god like status, chase other gods, create new laws and practices to draw nearer to some god, all in vain... The enemies against God and man have brought before us different religions to adhere to all again in vain efforts to reach God the Father through robotic type practices...

God did not create the angels in Heaven to be robotic and only programmed to certain tasks or to automatically praise Him. Yes angels were created in different forms and have disciplined themselves for different purposes of service to God, yet still they too have their own free will to choose as to whether they desire to be with God and the Kingdom of Heaven or rebel and side with the Kingdom of Darkness as at-least 1/3 have...

We as mankind also now through the Love, Mercy, and Grace of The Father have been given the way to return to once was with Adam and Eve in the Garden through the acceptance of Gods One and Only Son Jesus and His sacrifice as the once and for all sacrifice for all... Yet the enemies still come in and deceive us into following false religious ideologies, doctrines and practices which include lists of rules and regulations that require strict adherence... No relationship, just religion, is the deception that still works to keep us away from our Loving Father...

We need to spend time with our Father through the reading of His Word (the Bible). Through developing a live of continual prayer and communication with Him. Not just bringing before Him our problems, but an open communication in which we talk and we listen for Him to speak with us as well. And we cherish every moment as if it is the cool of the morning as He walks and talks with us as His Holy Spirit is with us...

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