First Flash of Freedom by Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers ~ That Moment You Connect to God

1 year ago

In my Lifetime I have have been Blessed about 50 times with Songs that have shook me to my Core upon the first I have shared before, it feels like I have been literally Struck by Lightning, where all else fades away, nothing else matters, there is just Me and the Song in that Moment, as the Musical and Lyrical Frequencies from the Song Connect me beyond just the Cells and Synapses of my Physical form, and right to the CENTER of my entire Universe, My SOUL, the True Location of Who and What I AM...

And to this day, these Songs continue to Move and Affect me in Ways that Nothing else can, as they are Literally TRUE Representations of ME...and First Flash of Freedom is the LAST SONG, thus far, that has done this to me...from the Opening Dialogue created by the ALL Powerful Frequencies emitted from Mike Campbell's Guitar, this Song HAD me...and in the song, you will notice how it OPENS and CLOSES with this Same Guitar Riff by Mike Campbell, as his Guitar interplay with Tom Petty's Guitar, represents that Sound and FEELING of Leaving from our Physical Reality and Transmutating ourselves into a Purely METAPHYSICAL Moment...and this is precisely why that Guitar riff is very INTENSE, as it accurately portrays our Transformation from One Reality to the Next...

From there, the Song settles right down, it Calms itself, as we come to accept what has happened to us, and the New Reality we are Lovingly Presented with...and this represents us entering INTO the Mind of Tom Petty, as he recounts HIS First Flash of Freedom, or Connection to God Consciousness, which will always be eerily similar to our own First Experience, as WE are connected, powerfully, to the Music of Tom Petty, and thus, Part of his Soul...

'On our first flash of freedom
I called out your name,
Love it is hard
Like an overdue train,
We felt so much more
Than our hearts could explain,

On our first flash of freedom...'

In this first Verse, we all do this, in our own Way, where as we come to realize where we are and what it happening to us, we Call out to God...and notice how Tom Petty says, OUR First Flash of Freedom, as it is a JOINT Creation, or Co-Creation with God Himself, who is Always Present Within us...and in the beginning we struggle with this Overwhelming Sense of Love, of Peace, and SATI - S - FACTION, as we have been forced to Live in a World of Hatred, Anger and Violence; thus, it takes us time to be ABEL to process what is really Happening for us, and all that is being Shared With Us...and this is because we have NOT been taught to Observe and Use our Higher Senses, the 6th and 7th Senses, Intuition and Telepathy, as in God's Kingdom, there are NO WORDS used, only PURE, Latent is an environment sans sound, and yet we 'Hear' or rather, KNOW, what God is communicating to us, and HE 'Hears' and KNOWS our responses in Kind...

And while all of this may seem like a Miracle, and something that may never, ever happen again, you MUST KNOW is Living Daily in Sadness, Depression and Anger that is the Super Natural, as these Low Vibratory Expressions of FEAR are very difficult for us to Create and near impossible for us to Sustain for any period of time; thus, these Canaanite Monsters have Trained us, like Monkeys, to Do, Say and Hear what they NEED us to be Aware of, and therefore, we work, OVERTIME in the Negative, where we constantly expend all of our Energies in Manifesting a False Reality of Lack, of Limitation and of being All Alone, in Deep Depression, when ALL of God's Creation, which is both this Earth and this Heaven, is FILLED with Love, Light and Happiness...and this is precisely WHY [their] Satanic System must Always be Left On and Running, because Left Alone of these Artificial Feelings, we would Naturally re-Connect to God, as One, because this is the Truth of our True Reality, which is Joy, Abundance, Knowledge, Love, Awareness and Kindness...

So, as you go through this Truly Special Song, close your Eyes, and allow both the Music and the Lyrics to take you...

'Across ancient bridges
Through a town with no name,
Across painted hills
That no rich man came claim,
Run the wild mustangs
That nothing can tame,

On our first flash of freedom...'

Just learn to LET GO of it All, and Trust that when you do lay down your Weary Head, that God will ALWAYS Be There to Gracefully Receive it, with Eternal Love...

So, STOP THINKING, and learn once more what it Feels like to just FEEL all of the Time, which is NOT Thinking...Feeling is an Internal Creation that comes from Internally generated Energies that are Released Within us, by God, Thinking is your Internal World UNDER FIRE, from endless Negative and Fearful Stimulus from the OUT THERE World, desperately attempting, again and again, to convince you that IT is Real, and not your Soul...but you KNOW BETTER than this, and Now, you will no longer be Deceived by those Demons who wish to OWN both your Body and Spirit, when they are the Divine Creations of both Father Heaven, and Mother Earth themselves...where the Canaanites have NO POWER at all, unless we Foolishly give over to them, and instead of SURRENDERING ourselves to God instead...

You Choose, so Choose Wisely, and Allow Roll the Rock Music to push your Boundaries and Open Your Mind to the Endless Possibilities of God's Love for You, and then you to will come to have your Mind Awakened, and Your Soul Released, Forever More...

Love, CF

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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