Sound of Freedom Updates | Director DEBUNKS Q Conspiracy | Plus Major Updates!

1 year ago

Sound of Freedom Updates | Director DEBUNKS Q Conspiracy | Plus Major Updates!

We have so many important Sound of Freedom updates in today's video! Some of these sound of freedom updates include the director, Alejandro Monteverde and how he directly addressed the Q Conspiracy associated with the film, and he easily DEBUNKED the attack. There is absolutely no way the media should claim Q Conspiracy links to this movie ever again moving forward.

We have more sound of freedom updates as well. The movie was attacked as being a "faith based movie", but Monteverda, and the writer of the film, spoke out about that, saying that sound of freedom is intended for everyone. People of faith, or no faith. Right and left leaning people. He went further saying that sound of freedom is apolitical with his updates.

Also, the actor and producer of the film, Eduardo Verastegui, had to flee Ecuador due to safety.

And finally, Tim Ballard wrote an opinion piece published on the Daily Wire that was a major sound of freedom update. He discussed the Spear Campaign and its importance.

If you enjoy all of these sound of freedom updates, with truth, honestly, and NO SPIN, you are home at Coach's Archives.

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