Chino Valley Unified School District Board President Sonja Shaw Asks Adults to Defend Children

1 year ago

On August 14, 2023, eleven people spoke for children and parental rights at an AB 1078 Freedom Angels press conference, which was held at the northwest area of California’s state capitol.

“Don't let them intimidate you, don't let them blackmail you and don't let them bully you,” exhorted Chino Valley Unified School District Board (CVUSD) President Sonja Shaw.

AB 1078, authored by Democrat Dr. Corey Jackson, would remove local power from school boards regarding books and curriculum and gives it to the state. Freedom Angels, a human rights organization, hosted the grassroots lobby day.

Shaw encouraged those who are defending the innocence of children to link arms and unite.

“While they waste resources to show they want to push parents out we put the work in and put things in place to keep the children safe,” Shaw said.

In addition to Shaw, I’ve listed the names and time markers of the ten other speakers who spoke at the more than 38-minute long press conference:

1. Sonja Shaw, Board President, Chino Valley Unified School District, 50 seconds.

2. Assemblymember Bill Essayli (R-Riverside), 6:36

3. Gil Tejada, Dad & The Real American Cholo, 10:14

4. Chauncey “Slim” Killens, 2021 California gubernatorial candidate, 13:00

5. Denise Aguilar, co-founder, Freedom Angels, 17:57

6. Tara Thornton, co-founder, Freedom Angels, 19:04

7. Nicolette, a southern California mother, 21:54

8. Harrison Tinsley, a single dad, 24:08

9. Ronald Owens, 26:50

10. Ally Snider, mother of two, 29:50

11. Nicole Pearson, founder, Facts Law Truth Justice, 32:17

CVUSD Board President Shaw made national news last month when she wouldn’t allow California State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond intimidate her and the CVUSD Board at its July 21, 2024 meeting.

Thurmond, a state elected executive officer, tried to intimidate Shaw and the Board over CVUSD’s policy that parents must be notified if their child identifies as transgender.

After Thurmond tried to speak beyond his allotted time and after he repeatedly invoked point of order, Shaw recessed the meeting.

Thurmond, who announced in early July that he is “seriously exploring” a run for governor in the 2026 election, reluctantly left the rostrum. Chino parents enthusiastically cheered his departure.

Shaw later explained to a media outlet what actually happened. Here’s a transcript of her explanation.

“It was very interesting to have Thurmond come. He had plenty of opportunity prior. I mean, we introduced this policy four weeks prior. He had all the time in the world to reach out but yet he wanted to pull a stunt to come to the meeting.

“And I think the most interesting part about that is what you guys don't see is prior to that he was sitting in his seat, and he was calling out point of order for random things. And we've already provided him courtesies that you don't have to provide given his title and what he does. So I think he was given enough respect and opportunity to behave the way that any anybody in the community should behave at a board meeting. But in the end, the intimidation factor that he tried to bring to Chino Valley was not accepted here.

“He was trying to literally stop us any way that he knew how. What you guys didn't see as prior to the meeting —him and I had a brief conversation on the phone, mind you. He was at our school for a couple of hours. He knew exactly where to find me. And he asked me if I would reconsider the policy. And if we could sit down together, and I said we can absolutely sit down after the meeting. But no, I will not reconsider the policy. Why are we even considering pulling a policy that informs the parent is beyond my it's beyond me.”

Yesterday, Shaw exhorted California parents to stand up to politicians, school board members, educators, lawyers and governmental officials.


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