Whatever Happened to America the Beautiful?

10 months ago

We live in the most prosperous, free, and united country in the world, or at least it that's what it's supposed to be. Whatever happened to America the Beautiful? We used to sing with pride and joy about spacious skies, amber waves of grain, and God crowning thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea. Millions of Americans have become very concerned about our nation and its future and rightly so because that future doesn't look good. Too many of our leaders have led us astray with their own selfish interests punctuated by financial greed, a lust for power, insatiable egotism, and ideological extremism. In this video, we explore the potential future of our homeland and provide a way to restore it to "America the Beautiful".

Many thanks to the 2012 Iowa All-State Chorus and Band for "America the Beautiful".

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