Swampfox Liberty & Justice RMR Pistol Red Dot Review

1 year ago

The swamp fox is a mid tier red dot aimed and marketed to budget conscious shooters who are looking for a reliable red dot optic that’s patterned in the RMR footprint.

Full Review: https://crackshot.tv/swampfox-liberty-justice-rmr-pistol-red-dot-review/

Get It from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Swampfox-Justice-Reflex-Sights-Reticle/dp/B08B17NW53/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2MDUZ394FXQAJ&keywords=swampfox&qid=1689870279&sprefix=swampfox%252Caps%252C134&sr=8-2&_encoding=UTF8&tag=crackshot00-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=0b865d227045193138d7892bb1401130&camp=1789&creative=9325

It was a smart business move to model the red dot under the RMR footprint, as there aren’t a lot of budget friendly options in this configuration and yet RMR is by far the most popular slide cut pattern for many sub compact to full size handguns (think aftermarket Glock 19, 17, 34 slides). However, there aren’t many options in this cut and configuration, especially at the roughly $209 price point of the swampfox Liberty and Justice models. Given the price of the Trijicon RMR floating around $450 to 500.

Above it all, Swampfox offers a “50,000” round guarantee. On paper, everything sounds incredible, but are the Swampfox offerings too good to be true?

Today we’ll set out to find that answer.

We judge pistol red dot optics on a number of criteria when coming up with a cumulative rating. We judge these products on where they’re made, price, accuracy (or ability to hold accuracy), ease of use, concealability, features compared to competitors, clarity, and durability. Here’s how the Swampfox Liberty stacks up.

We give the Swampfox Liberty an overall score of 3.56 out of 5 stars. After months of testing and about 600 rounds later, we’ll go into detail why, but in our opinion it is a descent range quality optic but not an optic we’d trust for every day carry.

Let’s talk about features. The Swampfox Liberty has some really high end features on it. The shake awake feature is awesome, many other cheap red dots in this price range don’t have an automatic shut off feature. It really sucks to get to the range and find out that your optic won’t operate because your battery died. I personally prefer push button controls on pistol red dots as well and the swampfox delivers here with high quality controls. The turrets for the swampfox also use a flat blade screwdriver which can be turned using a spent shell in a pinch. Some pistol red dot optics only have allen wrench controls which is incredibly frustrating. The only reason I rate it 4 out of 5 for two minor reasons. The first is the placement of the battery compartment. The battery compartment is placed on top, which is very good, however the way it is positioned with standard mounting screws that come with two separate slides I’ve tested, the screws overlap the compartment (meaning you still have to unscrew the screws to replace the battery). You might be able to find smaller head screws that will work with your slide, but this is kind of a pain. The second very small issue that I have is a lack of reticle selection. This is a very small point as I never use other reticles, but I have to mention it since at the next tier red dots like the Holosun 5O7C have a configurable reticle which may be important to some people.

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