Lioness Plays With GoPro In Greater Kruger National Park

7 years ago

Christof Schoeman has the tradition of putting GoPros down in the bush to see what cool sightings he can capture. He has filmed almost all of the different types of species interacting with the camera as they walk past it - leopard, lion, elephant - you name it!

Christof, who is a 30-year-old professional field guide, decided to place his GoPro strategically in the middle of a frequented trail towards a watering hole in hope that a lion would discover it and take it on a joyride, and he was certainly not left disappointed!

The strategically placed GoPro camera managed to capture a unique and stunning close-up images of a lioness and her sister, as they came across the odd looking object on the trail and decided to investigate it, like any cat would do. One of the females grabbed the camera in her jaws and took it with her on her hike!

It may not be much, but coming that close to a lion’s canine teeth without fearing for your jugular is actually pretty amazing. It is amazing that Christof’s idea to follow the wildlife in Kruger National Park closely allows the animals to get themselves involved without hurting them.

According to Christof’s account, none of the lionesses were harmed in any way by the gadget.

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