120: Ethan Walters on How to [Not] get Killed by the FBI

1 year ago

The events that took place in our recent history draw attention once again that there's a difference between the ideal when it comes to law enforcement, and our current reality. And although the political battle is still making hay for this side or that, we as a community have some things to discuss when it comes to the recent shooting of a Utah citizen.

Even if it's not as simple as the pundits make it out to be, event of this sort have ramifications, even if it's not in the way our cultural detractors would like it to be.

More importantly, we as the community ought come together on this matter, if not to bring up moral and legal challenges against those responsible for what took place, than certainly about what it means to look out for one another.

Ethan "Gypsy" Walters has brought art and inspiration to a whole wave of the new Gun Culture, and joins this episode for his third appearance. To check out his work head to
the House of Wolves. Or follow him on Instagram at @gypsywalters

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