Officer Smashes Window To Save Dog Locked Inside Hot Car

9 months ago

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Officer Smashes Window To Save Dog Locked Inside Hot Car
Footage shows a police officer in the United Kingdom smashing a car window to rescue a dog locked inside the heat.
Dogs (scientific name: Canis lupus familiaris) are of a mammal class under the genus Canis. They are a subspecies of the wolf species. The fact that dogs are a relative of the wolf specie would explain the fact why a lot of dogs, especially the Siberian Husky breed, looks a lot like wolves. Dogs are omnivores by nature (contrary to the belief of most humans that dogs are carnivores). Dogs are also the first species to be domesticated by human. This fact might explain why humans and dogs are so closely bonded.

People always hear the common saying "A dog is a man's best friend". This saying has been around for ages already. It being around for ages is testament to the fact that this saying is absolutely true. It is definitely true since even during pre-historic times, dogs have always been at the side of humans. Dogs helped humans hunt for food or in taking care of livestock. Dogs also protect humans from dangers. They even risk their lives just to make sure their beloved humans are alive and well. Unfortunately, the relationship between humans and dogs is mostly one-sided. This means that dogs are usually the giver while humans are usually the taker. Fortunately, a dog's faith in humans is not all lost as shown in this video.

This video, which is located in United Kingdom, consists of a footage of a Police Officer helping a dog a need. The dog was trapped in a car. So, the Police Officer decided to help the dog get out of the car. But since the Police Officer does not have the key to open the car, he opted to smash to window. The window did not break during his first try. Upon his second try, the window was successfully smashed. The Police Officer then opened the car's door. The dog did not immediately rush to the arms of his rescuer. Rather he was afraid. He kept on facing the direction opposite where the Police Officer was located. The dog did not even get near the Police Officer even after the Police Officer called to him and acted friendly towards him. This behavior of the dog is understandable since the sound of the smashing window and the beeping car might have caused the dog to be in defensive mode and fear the Police Officer. But in the end, the Police Officer was able to get the dog's affection. He even obediently followed the Police Officer's direction to get out of the car.

Credit to 'Wiltshire Police'.

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