Hottest Ladies of Naughty Zone. Week 31 of 2023

1 year ago


This is the number of posts to Naughty Zone. The maximum award is ten points for this category. They may post to other groups, and to their timeline, but this rates only Naughty Zone. Each photo receives one point. Meme photo’s, photo’s of anyone except the poster and older photo’s will not be counted. Duplicate photo’s will be counted as one, and photo sequences that appear to be part of a group of similar photo’s will be given two points.

I have requested to be friends or follower with each of the posters. They get two points for accepting my invitation. One point for allowing invitations to be made, and zero points if the Add Friend button is missing or can’t accept invitations.

There is one point if I see that she has made an emoticon reaction to an audience post, and another point if she has replied to a member. The points are awarded if I see the interactions, but it is possible that I miss them if they are buried deep in the comment stream.

One point is awarded if the poster is dressed like they are in winter.
Two points if they are wearing summer dress.
Three points if they are wearing beach wear.
Four points if they are dressed in a manner that close friends will see.
The maximum of five points is awarded to the poster if she is dressed like she is greeting a lover.
The rating is the highest scored photo of the rated photo’s.
A point will be deducted if any of the photo’s have overlays as part of the photo.
Due to YouTube’s more restrictive content guidelines, I have added my own overlays age restriction overlays on some pictures. No penalty is added when I add overlays. The pictures can be seen in their full when you are approved to join the group.

My scoring is subjective, so feel free to dispute my ratings in the comments.

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