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Finding The Wing-Makers' Secret Stash in England
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I set the scene: we are going to find the Wingmakers secret stash in my neck of the woods- Somerset, England UK. I set up my intentions- my prayers, and away we go!
2.25 It feels like having a very heavy weighted blanket on me when I am ready to fully receive information and this kind of experience. - tanked-up with Source energy. It’s as though part of my body is so relaxed as though it is asleep….I feel someone wants to talk to me- because my right ear was just hurting…
3.15 I address the Wingmakers
3.45 I explain how I am using the construct of ‘the Soul room’ to conduct these investigations from within.
4.00 I just got a buzz in my ear like a Bee.
4.20 I go into my soul room, attach an ear piece for the Wingmakers to communicate with me and insert a one way filter which prevents anything which is not of Source Creator or good and love, from entering my ear.
5.00 I listen: “Commanding coolness and calm within you. It is an exciting idea of a treasure hunt. - a revelation.You are not quite daring to, because who are you to dare to claim something And fame is a treacherous slippery slope. its always a little dangerous to be the one that is- you’ve always avoided it- keeping on the periphery is far safer, you believed. But remember walking out into your tower- you described it just yesterday i believe. Yes, there would be a furore if you helped uncover it. Who are you to do that? Hmmmm think for yourself first, why do we have these blockages within our brains- not our minds. What is a blockage intended to do? Constrict and constraint and control of course. If you have a blockage to being ;the one who discovered, - a discoveree, someone who has something that no-one else has. You know we know you know you have that, already, but this undeniable that if you did shout it, people would pay attention, are you’r sure you are ready for it, that’s what you ask yourself.
Is it really OK to stand on the roof of a bus, and talk to people? You know that it is. You have a friend who can do it. He is always guiding your way in that way, - just as you guide his way too. It is fun thing when you have collaborative natures working together- even any this distance. And yes, you could say that we are the same: collaborative natures working, perhaps at a distance, but you know us well from all your work you’ve done.
So, shall we have a look? I would suggest you turn the central space into a staircase, and we will descend to a specific point a geographic point, and you will just look around you, we wont tell you where it is yet, although I can see you just saw an image, didn’t you? The image was, a signpost of a - those charming little english signposts this one was wood, engraved into it, put on a stile for a footpath designation. In fact, you seem to remember the place quite well. - Do you think that’s where we are going to take you?
7.45 The place I can see is a little famous, secret beautiful wood outside a place called Shepton Mallet, somewhere between Glastonbury and Bath. A little ancient woodland, with a central space and it has a stone marker in it.
8.05 “So, say that is the stone marker, let’s go to it, shall we? You know it very well, that little ‘trippy’ path that is there, the little hills, the old and ancient rings. Right now, you’re going to take that stone you always thought was rather charming, and enchanting and , because you are not in your physical body, you just tip it aside. It is not a matter of strength or force, it is just a possibility or an impossibility and in this state, of course it is possible.
Just push it aside- there is a little hole. Just like ‘Alice’ you can crawl into the hole, yes, it’s beneath he tree roots, the tree is raised up as you know on that little mound- you go into it. What does it look and feel like inside? Tell me.
Yes, give yourself a torch, you could use your phone torch, they are brilliant, aren’t they? Light it up and we can give you some extra light if you like.
9.00 I am inside a sphere- a tiny little sphere. Not that tiny because I can fit into it, but like a white stone sphere. the stone is almost smooth not quite. It looks like its been made of many pieces, like a cement- not one that we know but an ancient type of cement and I am going to now look around the sphere, tree root seems to be growing through hit. I don’t even know what I am looking for. …
10.07 Kari wants to come in on the call. I start to explain, and then decide to wait, so that Kari can also access and experience this all with me. I tell her I have taken up her Wingmaker challenge. I work out how we can both go there together. I invite Kari into her column of light to be in a very receptive state. Reminding her of the example of using my soul energy to surround myself- suggesting Kari would have access to anything she would want to know and she could fly out from there too…or stay in there and see, feel, hear, taste , smell or touch….it’s her control, her decision, because she shapes it exactly to her beautiful individual self. ( that’s why I like working like this and not like other people…)
12.16 I do a little countdown for Kari with each number Kari is more and more merged with the beautiful column of her light essence.
12.50 I go to the place where I was and I will invite Kari to see or feel with me. In my mind I hold a few images which led up to where I was. I ask Kari if she can hear taste smell or feel anything.
14.00 Kari suggested she doesn’t receive such clear images as fast, but I said the very fact that she is tuning in has allowed my image to change. I literally just flipped for being on the inside, to the outside…but something you couldn’t normally see, because normally it would be buried.
14.30 I describe what I see and want to se what happens to Kari. I see white shell, that looks sort of like marble. A white spherical pod, about five foot diameter, and about 2.5 inches thick, and ordinarily it wasn’t able to be seen because it had a tree grow over it.
15.13 Kari laughs….because she has just seen the two of us sitting inside, like it’s some kind of thing we can set to receive information. I agree. Kari sees technical stuff….”we can programme it like a computer to go here or there. We probably only need our minds, seeing as it is high frequency.” We design comfy chairs. “Zero gravity chairs.”
16.45 I have two mad thoughts: one to go up into space, the other to go forward into the future where the winemakers are- Zog. ( Zog - my books and radio shows, Transmissions from the Planet Zog : Milo & Teal, wrote about them…)
“Zog it is!” Kari asks how many years in the future it is. The Wingmakers say they are 750 years in our future. My Zog stories are somewhere between 1100 and 3000 years in the future….
17.45 I suggest we move through time but stay in the same place.
18.0 I suggest 3,3,1. Kari tells me “its go a big red button, you just push it”. So we do…”.we don’t really need it, it’s just for fun.”
18.45 We are floating on water. ( A movie scene has just entered my mind…)
19.45 we decide to make another hop to the nearest place with habitation -Glastonbury Tor.
20.20 So we go there. Theres not very much of the hill there- only a few people a lookout place.
20.50 “Kari: “Covering up our spot we are going to investigate. We chuckle and I remember my vision 20 years ago being beneath the Tor.
21.00 We can go down into the hill…I count from ten down and we will be inside the cave system.
21.40 I see Hi-tech. Kari laughs. She sees the Cave of the Ancients from Lobsang Rampa. And I confirm Radu Cinamar talks of these too- the same: ancient hi-tech.
22.10 Kari sees bones, of human the history of humans…..We can wander around in there, there will be tunnels to inner earth.
22.40 I explain Glastonbury is the Archaic centre for alternative thinking in the Britain. - It’s mess, in terms of energy, there is a lot of people who want to be connected to the earth deep, but they end up so drugged-off hate faces that they’re just dirty psychically.
22.59 Kari: “Like Berkeley Oakland in California, where they have all the Flower children…?” Probably….
23.11 There are some glorious people and amazing things will happen there as well, but hmmmmuhhhh discernment is the activity you need to practice when you go there. - And the ancient idea fo Arthur ( King Arthur) being buried right here, where we are now in fact….when I went there win my vision twenty years ago, I was in a torchlit tunnel and it led to niches where sleeping knights lay. I was convinced there was more to that Tor Thanet the eye. There are lots of stories, about children going missing and the ‘water-board’ closing it off because it was dangerous. These things get hidden in plain sight. Lots of stories of fairies and entities seen round there, the ancient oak alley, remnants of those trees: Gog and MAGOG…Joseph of Arimathea establishing the first Christian church, , Jesus Chirst as a child with his uncle trading lead, back and forth form Britain to Palestine. Layers and layers of stuff, which makes absolute sense there would be one of these centres and tunnel openings.
25.40 I suggest we go and look for one of those tunnels because we could access really cool inner earth places very quickly due to the trans-dimensional gateways. ( Radu Cinamar describes in his books.) and it should be easy to do in our energetic bodies.
26.12 Kari: “Did you ever ask for instructions for the Wingmakers, or do you just want to go on the adventure?”
We look around the room to see if there have been any instructions left for us.
26.45 The machines I see are the same as described by Radu Cinamar in the Bucegi Mountain caves. The people were taller, so the desk height is our nose height.
27.00 Kari laughs, “I feel like a little kid!”
27.30 I think we need to create some chairs and Kari brilliantly says, “Can’t we just make ourselves bigger?” We do :)
27.45 I see a bank of machines on one side. An opening on the far side. An oval space. i can’t see beyond 2 o’ clock….
28.00 Kari has already found an inter dimensional passageway hopped in the boat along the passageways through the trans dimensional passageway to a bright beautiful world….
28.33 In the Zog stories that i wrote, it is the unification of the underground worlds and the overground world. The universities were soften underground- no oppression, delightful beautiful. Having Telos unified with over gourd.
29.10 Kari: “We could be underground…” Oh yes….underwater….we chat about the Cosmic Agency Maria Swarru and her underwater intros to her pleidean videos…
30.20 I directly ask if there are any instructions in the room and if so to reveal themselves. I see an arrow drawn in the floor to go to the passageway. I suggest we hold hands as we are going through inter-dimensional portals.
31.20 And Now I can see the huge city Kari saw. I ask her what colours she see. We both see purple below and higher green/blue light some mistiness. pretty huge several miles of distance. we can see a lot from here.
Someone is running towards us, bringing Kari something. Is it a flower? A seed head.
32.55 Kari: “Seeds,,,, star seeds….we are seeding this generation….”
33.20 I feel very warm. We could travel in pods….I see various images at the same time: circular discs which move like elevators. the first thing I saw is like a bullet train- a little ovular pod, ( magnetic tracks) travelling ridiculously fast….
34.44 we are under the Tor. I would love to see, if they can show us a flip through time….and show us the unification of above and below like i have in Zog. i am getting the feeling that might be too much for our hearts. I mention books you can see so much.
36.00 Kari “I am seeing you as a crowned princess there. You have the gold crown and jewels and you’re smiling and you’re beautiful…pink and red jewels in the crown, periwinkle blue gown”
I recall the strong vision I had of being celebrated by inner earth people , giving me a crown years ago when I was waking up more….I want my long strong golden hair…. :)
38.00 We wonder what we should do. We could open it… I know the place in Tor; it seems to have a firm holographic cover, like the one in the Bucegi Mountains which feels solid but is actually a hologram.
38.38 (I get very excited.)Oh, can we just deactivate it? Oh My God! -We wont discover it, but people like my friend Kate, who walks her dog there every day…
39.00 Kari laughs. “ They might have a heart attack! What would it look like if it would be uncloaked?” -just an entrance. Kari asks if it is time for the entrance to be uncloaked. I get “Almost’.
39.30 I suggest of all people, the Glastonburians are used to ‘that stuff’. - this is where you ave people walking around ‘as an entire rainbow, or with fairy wings, or as a wizard with a big, massive, true, real tawny owl on the shoulder…”
40.00 We can seed the idea a little more into the thought process.
40.30 Kari asks why they haven’t dug into it.
40.50 I talk about the lorry drivers who enter a mountain and end up in Canada…. using this technology to hid things, so they just took like a hill side.
41.14 Kari: “So the Wing-makers are satin guys up to find these places, and when they are all found, they are gong to connect all over the world. How many have they found- there are seven, or nine?
41.45 The effect that we are playing around here, it is activating the resonance of the discovery in the other places- and because of the way things happen simultaneously in many places- like the encoding of DNA with Crick and Watson and many others…. at the same tie, other people will be uncovering the other places. It’s like a beam of energy, connecting between these zones, lighting up, powering it up. At some point this story has go to break through. I reference UNIFYD TV and Jason Shurka’s latest interview with Ray about the activities of TLS.
43.10 I ask Kari is she felt she could get there if she wanted to again? I see Kari in a lovely long robe too….the energy loading into us is big. Kari felt her whole spine synchronising and aligning.
43.55 We decide to walk down the path taking it gently and getting your bearings. There are two people to Kari’s right, a man and woman- smiling but quiet. A child runs to say hallo. I see a semi-circular seat on a promontory so we can take in the view and sit and have a chat with some people. I see two children playing with a butterfly game…my spatial orientation is a little ‘off’ due to the inter-dimensionality…
46.00 We sit down. There are a few people to say hallo to. I ask if there is anything specific to do- I ask Kari what she is getting.
47.00 a great big lion sits down beside her and she is petting him…meaning ‘strength and power’. Kari thanks it doesn’t come unreal clear for her- ( but she always senses wonderfully!)
47.47 I’ve seen this place through reading, seen the peoples’ drawings, I’ve drawn it, but I haven’t gone through a mountain yet ( like many reports of entrances at Mount Shasta, for example…), this is as near as I have been to it. When I was writing my stories, I was floating above my desk…
48.15 I have the idea to have our hands out and receive something: Kari has the seeds and the sensational beast next to her. I feel like i’ve been given a set of tarot cards ( hmm I think I will make some from my Zog illustrations…)
I feel encouraged to use this a lot more. It might be good to write more of this place. I do a lot of received writing, tuning into certain frequencies and allowing information.
49.11 I return to the Wingmakers idea: is the activation globally of all the beings around the world who wish to bring in the new and delicious change …. We could look at the possibilities of bringing change and shift- what could we do more? What could we do to enable and allow this beautiful future through us and disallow their dark interfering nastiness? “ So that’s the question I am asking you, my friends, as we sit in front of you. What advice would you like to give us?”
50.12 “Slow and steady” Kari:”And that’s what I got form the lion- ‘be courageous and bold.’ To not be fearful. “
50.30 I describe what I saw when Kari said that: like cloak of the future reality she is pulling behind her as she walks forward with the lion by her side. With a crown on her head, her thoughts became the very long cape which stretched out either side of her. Kari is at the vanguard of what she is creating. As she walks forward with her vision without the fear, she is bringing her vision she is creating…
The pace of this is going to be at our human pace, an inexorability,…it is happening.
52.00 Kari saw me as a crowned princess and now she sees herself as royalty: standing for love and beauty and new earth- anyone who stands there like that is part of the royalty of the new earth.
52.25 Yeah, hear- this is the ‘Honourable Human’, the beauty of the human being - an exceptional being. If you are of purity sufficient to command reality, you are one with your creator, you are an element of the New, of Activating, of willing- you are a will-ing being, bringing what has not been into existence. - And that is honoured by ALL.
53.00 Kari is “standing in a circle with the ascended masters- or the people of this land”
53.15 They are just the people of that land ( we laugh.) “Get used to it!“
53.38 Kari: “We are standing for this together, to bring this forward. - Plant the seeds- the seedpod, of this land, of our future.”
53.53 I tell Akri “Your seedpod is actually like the magic wand that you love to play with, and as you shake the magic wand, you are shaking out the seeds, Your ‘thing’ is not a ‘small thing’ Kari, as I keep saying to you: to abbe love between a man and a woman is the core of our existence here on the planet that has been utterly degraded and eroded. And your request those years ago, ( we are talking about Akri’s The Great Circle of Desire book), to receive something which would be in beauty and truth and goodness, to bring together the masculine and the feminine again in a state of love, my God! You know, there is nothing bigger than that. It is so very, very essential.”
54.35 Kari: “It is the core, yes.”
54.41 “And it’s no coincidence: you stand for that, and I stand for enabling the Child to have the innocence and purity and discovery that is their birthright. It goes together.”
54.54 Kari: “And the adults receive their childhood, innocence and purity back in their hearts, and they feel the joy and happiness of the child. Now grown up- that they should have had all along.”
55.06 Because when parents are just mean and spikes to their kids, it’s because they are mean and spiky to themselves. And if they can’t hear what a child needs, it’s because they can’t hear what they need. “
55.36 Laura Eisenhower is over here at the moment. I intend to send her the video if I can process it tonight (it takes usually four hours solid…;) ) to get her to check it out because I feel she is something to do with this revelation.
56.06 And last night, there was a horizontal rainbow over Glastonbury last night- I’ve never seen that before in my life.
56.22 We are going to leave I suggest Kari can go and visit them- before she goes to sleep …in her dream time( it is easiest. We say a fond farewell. We hold hands through the dimensional portal. We get into the pod, and Kari goes back to her soul room. I tell her about the woodland…
58.31 Kari got really emotional- it was like being in Sedona. I suspect there is another in Sedona. I feel there is one there.
58.56 Kari talks about a TV show investigation. All about mounds and secret- getting peoples’ interest. We talk about a similar portal on an Indian reservation Radu Cinamar and Cesar was allowed to enter and it was an inner earth portal.
1.01.11 Kari: “And I went into the Isis Temple a pyramid in the Grand Canyons- it was wow, light, unbelievable…!!!”
1.01.55 The Smithsonian discovered many things there and then the area was roped off… and the giant people were discovered there. At the Admiral Byrd adventure through Antarctica- those people were huge, The fisherman Jenson when he went with his son, North to Hyperboarea, they were also huge.
1.03.11 We end with laughter and talk about colours….- as is our wont.( Because this work makes us happy :) )
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“My mission, is to teach people to be their full selves. - That’s always been it, whether it’s a child, or an adult or a toad, you know- it’s always been that.”
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I set the scene: we are going to find the Wingmakers secret stash in my neck of the woods- Somerset, England UK. I set up my intentions- my prayers, and away we go!
2.25 It feels like having a very heavy weighted blanket on me when I am ready to fully receive information and this kind of experience. - tanked-up with Source energy. It’s as though part of my body is so relaxed as though it is asleep….I feel someone wants to talk to me- because my right ear was just hurting…
3.15 I address the Wingmakers
3.45 I explain how I am using the construct of ‘the Soul room’ to conduct these investigations from within.
4.00 I just got a buzz in my ear like a Bee.
4.20 I go into my soul room, attach an ear piece for the Wingmakers to communicate with me and insert a one way filter which prevents anything which is not of Source Creator or good and love, from entering my ear.
5.00 I listen: “Commanding coolness and calm within you. It is an exciting idea of a treasure hunt. - a revelation.You are not quite daring to, because who are you to dare to claim something And fame is a treacherous slippery slope. its always a little dangerous to be the one that is- you’ve always avoided it- keeping on the periphery is far safer, you believed. But remember walking out into your tower- you described it just yesterday i believe. Yes, there would be a furore if you helped uncover it. Who are you to do that? Hmmmm think for yourself first, why do we have these blockages within our brains- not our minds. What is a blockage intended to do? Constrict and constraint and control of course. If you have a blockage to being ;the one who discovered, - a discoveree, someone who has something that no-one else has. You know we know you know you have that, already, but this undeniable that if you did shout it, people would pay attention, are you’r sure you are ready for it, that’s what you ask yourself.
Is it really OK to stand on the roof of a bus, and talk to people? You know that it is. You have a friend who can do it. He is always guiding your way in that way, - just as you guide his way too. It is fun thing when you have collaborative natures working together- even any this distance. And yes, you could say that we are the same: collaborative natures working, perhaps at a distance, but you know us well from all your work you’ve done.
So, shall we have a look? I would suggest you turn the central space into a staircase, and we will descend to a specific point a geographic point, and you will just look around you, we wont tell you where it is yet, although I can see you just saw an image, didn’t you? The image was, a signpost of a - those charming little english signposts this one was wood, engraved into it, put on a stile for a footpath designation. In fact, you seem to remember the place quite well. - Do you think that’s where we are going to take you?
7.45 The place I can see is a little famous, secret beautiful wood outside a place called Shepton Mallet, somewhere between Glastonbury and Bath. A little ancient woodland, with a central space and it has a stone marker in it.
8.05 “So, say that is the stone marker, let’s go to it, shall we? You know it very well, that little ‘trippy’ path that is there, the little hills, the old and ancient rings. Right now, you’re going to take that stone you always thought was rather charming, and enchanting and , because you are not in your physical body, you just tip it aside. It is not a matter of strength or force, it is just a possibility or an impossibility and in this state, of course it is possible.
Just push it aside- there is a little hole. Just like ‘Alice’ you can crawl into the hole, yes, it’s beneath he tree roots, the tree is raised up as you know on that little mound- you go into it. What does it look and feel like inside? Tell me.
Yes, give yourself a torch, you could use your phone torch, they are brilliant, aren’t they? Light it up and we can give you some extra light if you like.
9.00 I am inside a sphere- a tiny little sphere. Not that tiny because I can fit into it, but like a white stone sphere. the stone is almost smooth not quite. It looks like its been made of many pieces, like a cement- not one that we know but an ancient type of cement and I am going to now look around the sphere, tree root seems to be growing through hit. I don’t even know what I am looking for. …
10.07 Kari wants to come in on the call. I start to explain, and then decide to wait, so that Akri can also access and experience this all with me. I tell her I have taken up her Wingmaker challenge. I work out how we can both go there together. I invite Kari into her column of light to be in a very receptive state. Reminding her of the example of using my soul energy to surround myself- suggesting Kari would have access to anything she would want to know and she could fly out from there too…or stay in there and see, feel, hear, taste , smell or touch….it’s her control, her decision, because she shapes it exactly to her beautiful individual self. ( that’s why I like working like this and not like other people…)
12.16 I do a little countdown for Kari with each number Kari is more and more merged with the beautiful column of her light essence.
12.50 I go to the place where I was and I will invite Kari to see or feel with me. In my mind I hold a few images which led up to where I was. I ask Kari if she can hear taste smell or feel anything.
14.00 Kari suggested she doesn’t receive such clear images as fast, but I said the very fact that she is tuning in has allowed my image to change. I literally just flipped for being on the inside, to the outside…but something you couldnt normally see, because normally it would be buried.
14.30 I describe what I see and want to se what happens to Kari. I see white shell, that looks sort of like marble. A white spherical pod, about five foot diameter, and about 2.5 inches thick, and ordinarily it wasn’t able to be seen because it had a tree grow over it.
15.13 Kari laughs….because she has just seen the two of us sitting inside, like it’s some kind of thing we can set to receive information. I agree. Kari sees technical stuff….”we can programme it like a computer to go here or there. We probably only need our minds, seeing as it is high frequency.” We design comfy chairs. “Zero gravity chairs.”
16.45 I have two mad thoughts: one to go up into space, the other to go forward into the future where the winemakers are- Zog. ( Zog - my books and radio shows, Transmissions from the Planet Zog : Milo & Teal, wrote about them…)
“Zog it is!” Kari asks how many years in the future it is. The Wingmakers say they are 750 years in our future. My Zog stories are somewhere between 1100 and 3000 years in the future….
17.45 I suggest we move through time but stay in the same place.
18.0 I suggest 3,3,1. Kari tells me “its go a big red button, you just push it”. So we do…”.we don’t really need it, it’s just for fun.”
18.45 We are floating on water. ( A movie scene has just entered my mind…)
19.45 we decide to make another hop to the nearest place with habitation -Glastonbury Tor.
20.20 So we go there. Theres not very much of the hill there- only a few people a lookout place.
20.50 “Kari: “Covering up our spot we are going to investigate. We chuckle and I remember my vision 20 years ago being beneath the Tor.
21.00 We can go down into the hill…I count from ten down and we will be inside the cave system.
21.40 I see Hi-tech. Kari laughs. She sees the Cave of the Ancients from Lobsang Rampa. And I confirm Radu Cinamar talks of these too- the same: ancient hi-tech.
22.10 Kari sees bones, of human the history of humans…..We can wander around in there, there will be tunnels to inner earth.
22.40 I explain Glastonbury is the Archaic centre for alternative thinking in the Britain. - It’s mess, in terms of energy, there is a lot of people who want to be connected to the earth deep, but they end up so drugged-off hate faces that they’re just dirty psychically.
22.59 Kari: “Like Berkeley Oakland in California, where they have all the Flower children…?” Probably….
23.11 There are some glorious people and amazing things will happen there as well, but hmmmmuhhhh discernment is the activity you need to practice when you go there. - And the ancient idea fo Arthur ( King Arthur) being buried right here, where we are now in fact….when I went there win my vision twenty years ago, I was in a torchlit tunnel and it led to niches where sleeping knights lay. I was convinced there was more to that Tor Thanet the eye. There are lots of stories, about children going missing and the ‘water-board’ closing it off because it was dangerous. These things get hidden in plain sight. Lots of stories of fairies and entities seen round there, the ancient oak alley, remnants of those trees:Gog and MAGOG…Joseph of Arimathea establishing the first Christian church, , Jesus Chirst as a child with his uncle trading lead, back and forth form Britain to Palestine. Layers and layers of stuff, which makes absolute sense there would be one of these centres and tunnel openings.
25.40 I suggest we go and look for one of those tunnels because we could access really cool inner earth places very quickly due to the trans-dimensional gateways. ( Radu Cinamar describes in his books.) and it should be easy to do in our energetic bodies.
26.12 Kari: “Did you ever ask for instructions for the Wingmakers, or do you just want to go on the adventure?”
We look around the room to see if there have been any instructions left for us.
26.45 The machines I see are the same as described by Radu Cinamar in the Bucegi Mountain caves. The people were taller, so the desk height is our nose height.
27.00 Kari laughs, “I feel like a little kid!”
27.30 I think we need to create some chairs and Akri brilliantly says, “Can’t we just make ourselves bigger?” We do :)
27.45 I see a bank of machines on one side. An opening on the far side. An oval space. i can’t see beyond 2 o’ clock….
28.00 Kari has already found an inter dimensional passageway hopped in the boat along the passageways through the trans dimensional passageway to a bright beautiful world….
28.33 In the Zog stories that i wrote, it is the unification of the underground worlds and the overground world. The universities were soften underground- no oppression, delightful beautiful. Having Telos unified with over gourd.
29.10 Kari: “We could be underground…” Oh yes….underwater….we chat about the Cosmic Agency Maria Swarru and her underwater intros to her pleideian videos…
30.20 I directly ask if there are any instructions in the room and if so to reveal themselves. I see an arrow drawn in the floor to go to the passageway. I suggest we hold hands as we are going through inter-dimensional portals.
31.20 An d Now i can see the huge city Akri saw. i ask her what colours she see. We both see purple below and higher green/blue light some mistiness. pretty huge several miles of distance. we can see a lot from here.
Someone is running towards us, bringing Kari something. Is it a flower? A seed head.
32.55 Kari: “Seeds,,,, star seeds….we are seeding this generation….”
33.20 I feel very warm. We could travel in pods….I see various images at the same time: circular discs which move like elevators. the first thing I saw is like a bullet train- a little ovular pod, ( magnetic tracks) travelling ridiculously fast….
34.44 we are under the Tor. I would love to see, if they can show us a flip through time….and show us the unification of above and below like i have in Zog. i am getting the feeling that might be too much for our hearts. I mention books you can see so much.
36.00 Kari “I am seeing you as a crowned princess there. You have the gold crown and jewels and you’re smiling and you’re beautiful…pink and red jewels in the crown, periwinkle blue gown”
I recall the strong vision I had of being celebrated by inner earth people , giving me a crown years ago when I wa s waking up more….I want my long strong golden hair…. :)
38.00 We wonder what we should do. We could open it… I know the place in Tor; it seems to have a firm holographic cover, like the one in the Bucegi Mountains which feels solid but is actually a hologram.
38.38 (I get very excited.)Oh, can we just deactivate it? Oh My God! -We wont discover it, but people like my friend Kate, who walks her dog there every day…
39.00 Kari laughs. “ They might have a heart attack! What would it look like if it would be uncloaked?” _ just an entrance. Akri asks if it is tie fo ratio sth be uncloaked. I get “Almost’.
39.30 I suggest of all people, the Glastonburians are used to ‘that stuff’. - this is where you ave people walking around ‘as an entire rainbow, or with fairy wings, or as a wizard with a big, massive, true, real tawny owl on the shoulder…”
40.00 We can seed the idea a little more into the thought process.
40.30 Kari asks why they haven’t dug into it.
40.50 I talk about the lorry drivers who enter a mountain and end up in Canada…. using this technology to hid things, so they just took like a hill side.
41.14 Kari: “So the Wing-makers are satin guys up to find these places, and when they are all found, they are gong to connect all over the world. How many have they found- there are seven, or nine?
41.45 The effect that we are playing around here, it is activating the resonance of the discovery in the other places- and because of the way things happen simultaneously in many places- like the encoding of DNA with Crick and Watson and many others…. at the same tie, other people will be uncovering the other places. It’s like a beam of energy, connecting between these zones, lighting up, powering it up. At some point this story has go to break through. I reference UNIFYD TV and Jason Shurka’s latest interview with Ray about the activities of TLS.
43.10 I ask Kari is she felt she could get there if she wanted to again? I see Kari in a lovely long robe too….the energy loading into us is big. Kari felt her whole spine synchronising and aligning.
43.55 We decide to walk down the path taking it gently and getting your bearings. There are two people to Kari’s right, a man and woman- smiling but quiet. A child runs to say hallo. I see a semi-circular seat on a promontory so we can take in the view and sit and have a chat with some people. I see two children playing with a butterfly game…my spatial orientation is a little ‘off’ due to the inter-dimensionality…
46.00 We sit down. There are a few people to say hallo to. I ask if there is anything specific to do- I ask Akri what she is getting.
47.00 a great big lion sits down beside her and she is petting him…meaning ‘strength and power’. Kari thanks it doesn’t come unreal clear for her- ( but she always senses wonderfully!)
47.30 I’ve seen this place through reading, seen the propels’ drawings, I’ve drawn it, but nothing gone through a mountaineer, this is as near as I have been to it. When I was writing my stories, i was above my desk…
48.15 I have the idea to have our hands out and receive something: Kari has the seeds and the sensational beast next to her. I feel like i’ve been given a set of tarot cards ( hmm I think I will make some from my Zog illustrations…)
I feel encouraged to use this a lot more. It might be good to write more of this place. I do a lot of received writing, tuning into certain frequencies and allowing information.
49.11 I return to the Wingmakers idea: is the activation globally of all the beings around the world who wish to bring int he new and delicious change …. We could look at the possibilities of bringing change and shift- what could we do more? What could we do to enable and allow this beautiful future through us and disallow their dark interfering nastiness? “ So that’s the question I am asking you, my friends, as we sit in front of you. What advice would you like to give us?”
50.12 “Slow and steady” Kari:”And that’s what I got form the lion- ‘be courageous and bold.’ To not be fearful. “
50.30 I describe what I saw when Kari said that: like cloak of the future reality she is pulling behind her as she walks forward with the lion by her side. With a crown on her head, her thoughts became the very long cape which stretched out either side of her. Kari is at the vanguard of what she is creating. As she walks forward with her vision without the fear, she is bringing her vision she is creating…
The pace of this is going to be at our human pace, an inexorability,…it is happening.
52.00 Kari saw me as a crowned princess and now she sees herself as royalty: standing for love and beauty and new earth- anyone who stands there like that is part of the royalty of the new earth.
52.25 Yeah, hear- this is the ‘Honourable Human’, the beauty of the human being - an exceptional being. If you are of purity sufficient to command reality, you are one with your creator, you are an element of the New, of Activating, of willing- you are a will-ing being, bringing what has not been into existence. - And that is honoured by ALL.
53.00 Kari is “standing in a circle with the ascended masters- or the people of this land”
53.15 They are just the people of that land ( we laugh.) “Get used to it!“
53.38 Kari: “We are standing for this together, to bring this forward. - Plant the seeds- the seedpod, of this land, of our future.”
53.53 I tell Akri “Your seedpod is actually like the magic wand that you love to play with, and as you shake the magic wand, you are shaking out the seeds, Your ‘thing’ is not a ‘small thing’ Kari, as I keep saying to you: to abbe love between a man and a woman is the core of our existence here on the planet that has been utterly degraded and eroded. And your request those years ago, ( we are talking about Akri’s The Great Circle of Desire book), to receive something which would be in beauty and truth and goodness, to bring together the masculine and the feminine again in a state of love, my God! You know, there is nothing bigger than that. It is so very, very essential.”
54.35 Kari: “It is the core, yes.”
54.41 “And it’s no coincidence: you stand for that, and I stand for enabling the Child to have the innocence and purity and discovery that is their birthright. It goes together.”
54.54 Kari: “And the adults receive their childhood, innocence and purity back in their hearts, and they feel the joy and happiness of the child. Now grown up- that they should have had all along.”
55.06 Because when parents are just mean and spikes to their kids, it’s because they are mean and spiky to themselves. And if they can’t hear what a child needs, it’s because they can’t hear what they need. “
55.36 Laura Eisenhower is over here at the moment. I intend to send her the video if I can process it tonight (it takes usually four hours solid…;) ) to get her to check it out because I feel she is something to do with this revelation.
56.06 And last night, there was a horizontal rainbow over Glastonbury last night- I’ve never seen that before in my life.
56.22 We are going to leave I suggest Kari can go and visit them- before she goes to sleep …in her dream time( it is easiest. We say a fond farewell. We hold hands through the dimensional portal. We get into the pod, and Kari goes back to her soul room. I tell her about the woodland…
58.31 Kari got really emotional- it was like being in Sedona. I suspect there is another in Sedona. I feel there is one there.
58.56 Kari talks about a TV show investigation. All about mounds and secret- getting peoples’ interest. We talk about a similar portal on an Indian reservation Radu Cinamar and Cesar was allowed to enter and it was an inner earth portal.
1.01.11 Kari: “And I went into the Isis Temple a pyramid in the Grand Canyons- it was wow, light, unbelievable…!!!”
1.01.55 The Smithsonian discovered many things there and then the area was roped off… and the giant people were discovered there. At the Admiral Byrd adventure through Antarctica- those people were huge, The fisherman Jenson when he went with his son, North to Hyperboarea, they were also huge.
1.03.11 We end with laughter and talk about colours….- as is our wont.( Because this work makes us happy :) )
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