War Tycoon Cheaters and Supporters (pt2)

11 months ago

Context: I was chilling, driving in a Pantsir S1 to capture-point when someone by the name of JPX(Alpha) killed me for no reason, i went to take my revenge and when i was battling him a random person(golf) flew next to me and attacked me with an explosive sniper, killing me using Fly-scripts(you'll soon see in the video and part 2 that he uses them activerly) and while i accuse the person of cheating and try to get Wolfy(a high ranking in the faction Furs) to tell his faction members to stop attacking me, he did nothing.

Some time after, the cheater begins to attack me more and more often, so i accuse the others of supporting him (Saw them tell the cheater to attack someone, which is seen later in pt1) and they deny it, despite denying it, they admit to supporting him by saying "He's a good exploiter" and "Good exploiters aren't bad" (The exploiter in question is camping me)

Another person, jass i think his username is? (i revealed most if not all of the usernames in both videos)

So and So fourth, it goes back and fourth until All of them organize to raid me (hotel says this i believe) and they all agree, so they go and raid me and attempt, they failed and relied on the cheater to help them, so they went on the hill, gave the cheater a bradley, and then the cheater began flying in it to destroy my shield

I then turned it off, killed 3 of the 4 members (input lag prevented me from killing the 4th) before killing the cheater aswell, until he comes back flying/nocliping and kills me.

The rest is explained in the 2 videos, thank you.
Never condone cheaters, even "good" ones.

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