Maddox McCubbin: 100% healthy 16-year-old collapses, suffers sudden cardiac arrest. Doctors baffled

10 months ago

FEB. 24, 2023. Maddox McCubbin suffers sudden cardiac arrest at Moline High School. He received two rounds of compressions and a shock with an automatic external defibrillator.

Grace Maddox (Maddox' mom) says Maddox is "100% healthy". She also says:

"My son's results came back, and there's nothing. There are no genetic anomalies. There's nothing that points to why this happened. And roughly 80% of sudden cardiac arrest survivors never are given a reason why this happened. So we need to stop worrying and focusing on prevention, because we can't."

I'd venture a guess on what they could do for prevention. It involves not getting any COVID injections.

Could there be a reason why "roughly 80% of sudden cardiac arrest survivors never are given a reason why this happened", such as that certain possible causes are categorically ruled out?

The school wants to more AEDs installed and wants more people trained in CPR.

Read WQAD's accompanying article:

Unsurprisingly, the article doesn't mention anything about Maddox' vaxx status.

Fundraising link:


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