Nicole: America should disengage from the CCP immediately

1 year ago

08/11/2023 Nicole on Bannon's War Room: Because of economic problems, internal unrest, and the Chinese people having grown tired of the dictatorship, the collapse of the CCP has already happened. This is the reason why America should disengage from the CCP immediately. But the US is still engaged with the CCP. It will be a disaster for the US foreign policy.
08/11/2023 妮可做客班农《战斗室》:由于经济问题、内部动荡,加上中国人民厌倦了独裁统治,中共的崩溃已经开始了。这就是美国需要立即与中共脱钩的原因。但美国仍与中共接触,这将是美国外交政策的灾难。

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