Nicole: The Chinese Laobaixing are eager to be independent of the CCP

11 months ago

08/11/2023 Nicole on Bannon's War Room: The Chinese Laobaixing aspire to realize the American dream. They are more eager to be independent of the CCP than the risks associated with decoupling. All we ask is that the U.S. stop helping the CCP. Steve Bannon: Miles Guo is the single biggest voice of reality and truth about the murderous nature of this criminal gang in Beijing, the Chinese Communist Party.
08/11/2023 妮可做客班农《战斗室》:中国老百姓渴望实现美国梦,相比于脱钩带来的风险,他们更渴望独立于中共的统治。我们只要求美国停止帮助中共。史蒂夫·班农:郭文贵是唯一一个揭露中共这个犯罪团伙邪恶凶残本质的真实声音。

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