Aila: The goal of the CCP's infiltration into the US is straightforward, destroy the US

10 months ago

08/11/2023 Aila on The Jeff Dornik Show: The CCP has been promoting DCEP to replace the USD dollar systems and bring out a Western financial tsunami. Also, the CCP released viruses, resulting in a significant loss of American lives, and they have established bioweapon labs worldwide, including the one recently discovered in California. For the past few years, Miles Guo has been consistently warning the United States about all these problems. Unfortunately, it took experiencing a substantial loss of lives for the U.S. to realize the danger posed by the CCP.
08/11/2023 小飞象做客The Jeff Dornik Show:中共一直在推广数字人民币(DCEP),以取代美元体系和引发西方的金融海啸。此外,中共还释放了病毒,导致大量美国人丧生。他们在全球范围内建立了生物武器实验室,包括最近在加州发现的那个。在过去几年中,郭文贵先生一直就这些问题在持续地警告美国。不幸的是,美国失去了这么多生命后才意识到中共所带来的危险。

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