Nicole: The US Companies Contributed to the Human Rights Deterioration in China

1 year ago

08/09/2023 Nicole on Winn Tucson China Watch: When US leading technology company Cisco made a sales pitch to the CCP government, they said, “Our equipment and technology can help you track down and hunt Chinese dissidents, Hong Kong and Taiwan people.” This is a perfect example of how American technology given to CCP contributed the Human Rights deterioration in China. I hope Congress to start calling the Chinese dissidents to testify how CCP used social media and its surveillance program to target and censor the Chinese and American people.
08/09/2023 妮可做客Winn Tucson China Watch:美国的知名科技公司思科向中共进行推销时表示,其设备和科技可以帮助中共追踪并逮捕中国异议人士以及香港人、台湾人。这个例子完美地展示了提供给中共的美国科技如何导致中国人权状况日益恶化。我希望国会能开始传唤中国异议人士作证,揭露中共如何利用社交媒体和监控计划来审查并攻击中国人民及美国人民。

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