Matthew Tye condemns the CCP’s fake rescue efforts. Is there anything real under the CCP’s rule?

1 year ago

N081406(常规任务) 老外谈洪灾812-3

8/12/2023 Matthew Tye, a human right advocate for China, strongly condemns the various ridiculous cases of false rescue efforts staged by the CCP in the recent flood disaster. The Chinese people are not stupid, and many of them have captured footage of the staged fake rescue operations orchestrated by the CCP and have raised questioning voices against the CCP government. Is there anything real under the rule of the CCP?
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
8/12/2023 中国人权倡导者马修·泰痛斥中共在此次洪灾中公然进行假救援的各种拙劣表演。中国人并不愚蠢,有很多人拍下了中共自导自演的假救援闹剧,并向中共政府发出了质疑的声音。在中共统治下有什么是真的呢?
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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