UNDISCOVERED GUYANA - Climbing the Kanuku Mountains

2 years ago

We flew into the Guyana interior to explore the Kanuku Mountains, spending a night in the jungle and learning how to survive! I tried eating a live grub, learned to catch fish using cyanide and then we slept in hammocks by the rapids.

This was an incredible trip to one of the least visited countries in the world. From exploring the Amazon basin, to finding a harpies eagle nest, to staying in community eco lodges and finally flying to Kaiteur Falls - Guyana is a country to add your list.

Travel Guyana with Wilderness Explorers - https://wilderness-explorers.com/
Find out more at Guyana Tourism - https://guyanatourism.com/

Jonny Melon - https://www.instagram.com/jonny.melon/
Keiran - https://www.instagram.com/keiran_samuels/

@DiscoverGuyana #DiscoverGuyana #Travel


→ Where I get my travel insurance - http://bit.ly/2Jj0PUm

→ Where I find my music - http://share.mscbd.fm/thelifeofjord

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Travel has changed my life and I have no plans on stopping any time soon. That's why I am now running this video blog showing you how I travel the world continuously.

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