Armor 1

10 months ago

Matt Hebert, The Crossway Ministry, 8/13/23

The Ephesian’s text says that we’re in a wrestling match. The second letter to the Corinthians tells us that we’re in a war. The effectiveness of Satan’s strategy hinges on lies and deception. If people gain access to the word of God, grab hold of it and believe, Satan’s grapple holds are broken and his aerial assault in the spirit realm loses its power. But, If he can get people, especially God’s people, to believe his lies, he gains a foothold and penetrates the fortress that God promises in His word. God does say in His word-does He not? He is our refuge, our strong tower, our ever present help in our time of need! Is God a man that He should lie? No! Let God be true and every man a liar is what His word says.

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