On August 13, a powerful explosion happened in Gaomi, Shandong Province

9 months ago

8/13/2023 According to a video circulating on the Internet, it seemed that an explosion occurred at a grilled fish restaurant in Gaomi, Shandong Province on August 13th, which severely damaged a nearby bank and even caused one dead body to be blown into two pieces. It raises doubts that an explosion from a restaurant could be so powerful, and the cause of the explosion is said to be under investigation.
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8/13/2023 据网络流传的视频显示,8月13日山东省高密市疑似一家烤鱼店发生爆炸,相邻银行受到严重损害,甚至有人被炸至两截。烤鱼店的爆炸是否有如此巨大威力令人生疑,爆炸案的事发原因据说仍在调查之中。
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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