Freedom or Statism | Society is not a game of Chess played by the Overlords

10 months ago

#economics #statism #freedom

We can either have freedom or statism but not both. Statism is being pushed all over the world. Freedom can’t exist with statism. Those who accept statism are rejecting freedom. Statist might call for some measures. It’s impossible to have some measures and some freedom. This is not different from measures in a certain area and freedom in another. It’s either statism or freedom. It’s impossible to have both.

To call for statism in one area and not another is to call for everyone to be reliant on the overlords. “They turn into virtual slaves dependent on the good graces of the omnipotent government.” Freedom and other catchwords will be used to disguise various state actions. They will denounce freedom and ridicule it. This may take the form of name calling or attacking other personal traits, probably both.

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