Malcolm X United Nations Speech

1 year ago

Bismilah ar Rahman ar Raheem, Asalam alaikum
Mr President, Secretary General, Your Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen.
Brothers, sisters, friends and enemies.
Today I want to talk to you about Brother Malcolm X, some of you will know him as El Haj Malik El Shabazz.
In 1965, he was assassinated, which is now 58 years.
Malcolm X, remembered as one of the most prominent orators and revolutionaries of the twentieth century.
During his last years on Earth, he accepted the inevitability of leaving this temporary world.
He made a lot of enemies due to his uncompromising attitude such as The FBI, CIA, NYPD & NOI.
His killers weren’t satisfied with Malcolm’s blood alone, so they killed his grandson Malcolm Shabbazz too as they viewed him as a threat and tried to cover it up as a “suicide” to ensure no male heir survived with the Shabbazz name!
If you read history, you will notice a similar story of a man who was killed along with his grandson who enjoined the right and forbade the wrong and consequently that message was not accepted.
I am of course referring here to Prophet Mohammad peace be on him and his grandson Imam Hussain peace be on him who was martyred in Karbala, Iraq.
In Malcolms’ later years, he met world leaders such as Fidel Castro, African leaders & embarked on the Haj pilgrimage which is one of the 5 pillars of the religion of Islam. It’s there he changed his world outlook which had been so blinkered by following the Nation.

Regarding racism: God almighty says in The Holy Quran Chapter 49 Verse 13:
O mankind! Indeed We created you from a male and a female,
and made you nations and tribes that you may identify yourselves with one another.
Indeed the noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the most God wary among you.
Indeed Allah is all-knowing, all-aware.

Racism was addressed by Prophet Mohammad peace be on him addressed in this excerpt from his last sermon:
"All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a White has no superiority over a Black nor a Black has any superiority over a White except by piety and good action.

Malcolm X went to Birmingham UK as his support for Anti-Racism wasn’t limited to just Black people, but Asians too as these 2 groups faced a lot of hostility and open housing discrimination issues to stop renting or buying houses in Birmingham UK which the local Council was going ahead with UK apartheid starting from one street in Birmingham, Marshall Street.
Malcolm X said "I was in Birmingham, Alabama, the other day. This will give me a chance to see if Birmingham, England, is any different."
He also said “I am disturbed by reports coloured people are being treated badly. I have heard they are being treated as Jews were under Hitler.”
Malcolm X believed it was only the beginning of something else that, left unchecked, would see Britain start to repeat the horrors that befell Jews in the Holocaust. "I would not wait for the fascist element in Smethwick to erect gas ovens," he said.
UK apartheid did not materialise & The UK did not follow South African Apartheid which ended in 1994. US Civil Rights broke American segregation in 1968. However present-day Palestinians still live under apartheid which is ironic as The UK initiated this with the Balfour Declaration. The job of liberating Palestine will fall to Imam Mahdi (Peace be on him) along with Prophet Jesus (Peace be on him) inshalah.

Previously the Civil Rights Movement remained a US domestic problem, it remained confined within The US Courts & it wasn’t possible to enlist help of other dark skinned people around the world.
It’s a human problem, not an American problem, nor a Negro problem.
The direction of the problem needs to be lifted from a domestic context to an international context, from a black rights issue to a human rights issue.
This is not violation of civil rights but violation of human rights.

As a human problem, a world problem, it should be taken out of the jurisdiction of The United States government and courts and into the United Nations in the same manner that the problems of the coloured people around the world face: Black People, Native Americans, Australian Aboriginals, Palestinians, Yemenis, Iranians, Iraqis, Venezuelans, Kashmiris, Bahraini Shia, Saudi Arabian Shia, Chinese Uyghurs, Syrians, Indian-Muslims, Indian-Sikhs & Myanmar Rohingya.

The unfinished work of Brother Malcolm was threefold;
• To convert the struggle of black civil rights to human rights.
• To liberate humanity from the shackles of slavery in all its forms.
• To prosecute The United States at The United Nations Commission for human rights violations.
Had Malcolm stayed alive, he would have fulfilled his promise to do so right in this building, standing in the same place as I am standing in now!
Rest in peace brother El Malik El Shabazz, Asalam Alaikum.

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