The Year of Pluto -New horizons Documentary brings humanity closer to the Edge of the Solar system

10 months ago

New Horizons is the first mission to the Kuiper Belt, a
gigantic zone of icy bodies and mysterious small objects
orbiting beyond Neptune. This region also is known as the
"third" zone of our solar system, beyond the inner rocky
planets and outer gas giants. Johns Hopkins University
Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Maryland, designed,
built and operates the New Horizons spacecraft, and
manages the mission for NASA's Science Mission
Directorate in Washington. The Year of Pluto - NASA New
Horizons is a one hour documentary which takes on the
hard science and gives us answers to how the mission
came about and why it matters. Interviews with Dr. James
Green, John Spencer, Fran Bagenal, Mark Showalter and
others share how New Horizons will answer many
questions. New Horizons is part of the New Frontiers
Program, managed by NASA's Marshall Space Flight
Center in Huntsville, Alabama.

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