Did you know THIS about Hijab?

10 months ago

Did you know THIS about Hijab?
Hijab, Fitna, Veil, Women in Islam

00:00 Women are Fitna
02:23 What is a Fitna?
03:35 Is Fitna Good or Bad?
04:57 How can a woman be Fitna?
06:21 He should lower his gaze?
08:25 So what if I’m Fitna?
10:10 Can I wear Hijab after I get married?
11:04 Expected Husband Material
14:14 Wearing Hijab because of Social Pressure
14:39 Why is righteous man repulsed by non-hijabi girl?
15:34 Who is Al-Dayuth?
17:13 A good girl who doesn’t wear a hijab
19:51 I’m looking good for myself
20:28 Should I look like a garbage can?
26:13 Hijab will restrict my movement
26:47 Why don’t men cover up too?
27:20 Thanks for listening
27:50 Hijab is not a headcover
30:30 Who can see my hair?
31:33 What is Hayaa’?
34:33 Where is Hijab in Quran?
35:53 Is face covering obligatory?
36:57 Did all Muslim women cover up?
37:46 Is Hijab exclusive to Muslims?
42:30 I’m afraid to wear Hijab in my country
45:18 Is Hijab against freedom?
47:17 Women in liberal societies
52:23 Convey from me, even if it is one verse

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