133 day's on the son

10 months ago

The surface of the sun is incredibly hot, with temperatures reaching about 5,500 degrees Celsius (9,932 degrees Fahrenheit). If you were on the sun for even a few moments, you'd be instantly vaporized due to the extreme heat and radiation. It's not possible for anything to survive there for 133 days or any amount of time.

133 days on the sun description

Spending even a fraction of a second on the sun would be impossible due to its scorching temperatures and intense radiation. The sun's surface reaches temperatures of about 5,500 degrees Celsius (9,932 degrees Fahrenheit), which is hotter than any material on Earth can withstand. In comparison, the hottest places on our planet are only a fraction of this temperature. The sun's gravitational pull is also immensely strong, making it impossible to get close without being pulled in. In essence, surviving 133 days on the sun is a physical impossibility due to its extreme conditions.

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