COMIC TIMELAPSE __ Molotov(s) in '33 | Chapter 01 - Storyboards

11 months ago

Beginning of Chapter 01:

Total Time - 29 : 11 : 23

All the other chapters' storyboards are more sophisticated now that chapter 01 was used as the base experience. My thesis is now chapter 04, where I reverse engineered the script and storyboards to get a better understanding on scale between panels, dialogue balloons, and everything else in between so it translates better by time pages get penciled out and completed. Chapter 07 and 09 especially are turning out better than the last third of chapter 02 and particularly better than chapter 01. I also found more efficient methods in being quicker for boarding while staying on model.

I figured posting storyboards after all pages would prevent spoilers since it'd be a minute since the whole chapter came out by now. A lot of BSOD occurred while boarding out chapter 01 made more fun with not knowing what I was doing. These storyboards were the first thing done art-wise since working on thesis. I made sure to add detail to properly convey the 30's while still keeping that specific stylistic direction akin to cartoons made in the 30's.

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