Fire & Blood Vol. 1 | Under the Regents - The Voyage of Alyn Oakenfist (Chapter 22)

1 year ago

Alyn Velaryon started his voyage to conquer the roving bands of Iron Born from the Iron Islands who had been pillaging the western shores of Westeros from Fair Isle for years. He made peace with the flamboyant Tyroshi Rocallio Ryndoon who was styling himself King of the Narrow Sea, and then made peace with the Dornish. By the time he arrived at Fair Isle, however, one of Dalton Greyjoy’s wives, a lowborn girl stolen from the shores of Westeros, had slit his throat in his sleep, the smallfolk had rebelled, and the Iron Born had returned home. Alyn returned home, but while stopping in Dorne a messenger told him that Prince Viserys Targaryen, who all had thought dead during the Dance of Dragons, was alive in Lys and married to his captive’s daughter, Larra Rogare.

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