Documentary: The Masonic Knights of Zion. A Secret Agenda Exposed 2019

10 months ago

Documentary: The Masonic Knights of Zion. A Secret Agenda Exposed 2019
This contains segments from many notable figures, including William Cooper and Jordan Maxwell
A Freemasons first and last Loyalty is to the Freemasons.
For that reason alone, all Freemasons should be bared from Holding Public/Political Office.
The Cronyism and Special Access practiced by Freemasons makes everyone else who is Not a Member a Second Class Citizen.
Police, Lawyers and Judges ensure Special Treatment within the System
Centuries after their inception, the #Freemasons' secret rites and rituals remain as mysterious as ever. Even in the boiling political climate we find ourselves in today, the beliefs of this deceptively powerful order remains hidden behind metaphor, symbolism, and charity.
But where do the insidious conspiracies of global control originate from, and do they have any basis in reality? What is the intrinsic relationship between Masonic demeanor and Jewish mysticism? And do these two schools of thought hold a conflict of interest?
I've put together this documentary in hopes of shedding light on these questions that have continued to confound historians for a millennia.
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