Parables: The Workers in the Vineyard

1 year ago

Parables: The Workers in the Vineyard
Pastor Matt Haflett
Matthew 20:1-16

1. Our salvation.
• People accept Jesus into their heart at different “hours” of life.
• Anyone who accepts Jesus as Lord and savior is promised the same reward of eternal life with Him.

2. Not deserved.
• None of us deserve the reward, it is given to us through Jesus’ suffering and death alone.
• We are all given the reward through grace, mercy, and love. Our service to the kingdom is the least we can do.
• Fair for us would be death.

3. The effect of grace.
• We should celebrate that God is extending this same grace to all.
• The thief on the cross trusted Jesus with his final breath, after a life of his own. Gods grace brings him to heaven.

4. The last will be first, and the first last.
• Not one hero from the bible deserved the gift that God, through Jesus, gave them.
• All have fallen short, but the blood of Jesus Christ equals us.

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