List of jobs Chinese in US must avoid if you want to live

10 months ago

Video: Committee of 100 conducted a meeting in Silicon Valley 9 years ago and that is before racist US politicians targeted Chinese in America (no offense, it mainly applies to smart Chinese with education and brains) 9年前,美國百人會在矽谷召開了一次會議,那是在美國種族主義政客針對在美國的華人之前(無意冒犯,這主要適用於有教育有頭腦的聰明中國人)

Nine years ago, the lawyer and national security adviser of the Committee of 100 based in New York told Chinese Americans in Silicon Valley that the following jobs to avoid with your life, because the US government can set you up for prosecutions at their pleasure: 1) Don’t enlist in US military; 2) Don’t do any high-tech related jobs; 3) Don’t do college Teaching, especially high tech related research 4) Do not work in any department of the federal government 5) Be sure to break up with friends, classmates and relatives in Hong Kong, Macau, China, including parents, treat them as your enemies 6) Don’t visit Hong Kong Macau and China 7) Do not use any Chinese Apps like WeChat, etc.

When FBI come to your door, don’t say a word, including yes and no, there must be a lawyer present. Finally, if you can’t do the above, leave the United States or take all risks, have packed bags ready to got to jail with moments notice.

九年前美國百人會的律師和國安顧問告訴美國華人以下工作不能做, 因為美國政府可以隨時切你生豬肉: 1) 不要當兵 2) 不要做任何和高科技有關的工作 3) 不要在大學教書尤其是硏發的工作 4) 不要在聯邦政府任何部門工作 5) 一定要和中國香港澳門朋友同學親人包括父母斷六親 6) 遠離中國香港國界 7) 不要用任何中國 Apps 像 WeChat 等等

當FBI 找上門, 不要說一句話, 包括 yes and no, 一定有律師到場. 最後如果你做不到以上, 離開美國或承受所有風險.

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