My Response to Christians Upset at My Obama Tweet | Ep 828

1 year ago

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Today we're talking about Obama's tweet condemning the overturning of Roe v. Wade, which shows just how evil the pro-abortion philosophy is. We give a reminder of what an abortion actually is and explain how only an evil ideology could not only allow such a thing but actively applaud it. Then we look at Justin Giboney's "AND Campaign" response to us, which claims that our argument that Christians should not vote Democrat really means Christians should vote Republican. We explain why this isn't necessarily true and why some Christians tend to misunderstand the cruelty of Democratic policies in the first place. We take a look at some other responses to us and break down why the two political sides are not morally equivalent. Finally, we look at some horrifying abortion rhetoric from the Left.

#news #politics #culture #religion #christian #christianity #theology #apologetics #abortion #obama #conservative #blazetv #alliebethstuckey #relatablepodcast



(00:00) Intro
(09:58) Obama's tweet / abortion numbers post-Roe / pregnancy centers
(25:39) Allie's response to Obama's tweet
(30:55) Justin Giboney's response
(41:35) The AND Campaign
(46:00) Ben Watson's response
(48:58) Latasha Morrison's responses / 'Be the Bridge'
(59:07) Democrat abortion rhetoric


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TIME: "Legal Abortions Down by 96% in States With Most Restrictions Since the End of Roe"

Neil Shenvi: "A Short Review of Morrison’s Be The Bridge"


Relevant Episodes:

Ep 764 | What Really Happens at Pregnancy Centers? | Guest: Leanne Jamieson

Ep 406 | Moral Order AND Social Justice? | Guest: Justin Giboney

Ep 480 | Better Than ‘Be the Bridge:’ Biblical Unity | Guest: Monique Duson

Ep 113 | Virgil Walker — Abortion Exceptions?

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My Response to Christians Upset at My Obama Tweet | Ep 828

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