Gang-stalking in Action : The TikTok Edition on YouTube

1 year ago

Live videos depicting instances of gang-stalking experienced by me, your host, E. I. Smith. All of the videos will be derived from my TikTok page.

[ { In the course of human events, the United States federal government has authorized, implemented, and financed germ warfare against its citizens. A part of the United States of America’s war on its citizens, also known as gangstalking, which is an American national security protocol, the attack mechanism against its targeted individuals is comprised of the hurling of (germs) at targeted persons. This thuggish weapon is aimed at destabilizing the targeted individuals so that they cannot readily fight the gangstalking menace as they would when they are well.

The United States federal government has authorized countless assassinations against its own citizens under false pretenses, particularly over the past 60 years. Many of these citizens were not guilty of any crime other than being independent thinkers, writers, and political actors, each with an idea as to how to eliminate the god-awful screw-job that is American politics.

Many of these people met with “accidents” that certain of the American populace found to be disgraceful, suspicious, and criminally inspired inside jobs aimed at silencing dissent and advancing America’s political gluttony.

The United States has seen enough of these accusations to know how much they can rob the federal government of its credibility with respect to its governmental ability.

So rather than target high profile dissidents, celebrities, and other activists, the thuggish national security auxiliaries of the United States have taken to targeting citizens who are less renowned, but independent enough to pose a threat to the United States’ national security bred political thuggery.

The United States is no longer the country of individualism. It has instead forced a herd mentality on its citizens in the form orb illbred gangstalking protocols consisting of a system of signals, verbal commands, vehicular cues, physical gestures and the like, which are aimed at first containing, and secondly attacking targeted persons.
There are a number of American industries that benefit economically from gangstalking, including, the hospital and big pharma industries from the targeted individual’s injuries, the auto insurance and auto body repair industries from the staged car accidents that targeted persons experience, and, also the companies that targeted individuals work for (if they are lucky enough to find work during their gangstalking campaign) —benefit financially from not having to pay targeted persons a pension because chances are, with the workplace mobbing mechanism that is prevalent in gangstalking campaigns, the targeted person will either quit or be fired long before they can ever retire comfortably.

The thuggish United States’ legislative mechanism is beneath the dignity of the legacy of the United States Constitution. With the thuggery that it allows (gangstalking), and the thugs that it enables (gangstalkers), it will surely become the parish of the civilized world.

When the United States federal government takes responsibility for its ignorance, negligence, and ineptitude in authorizing gangstalking, a post September 11, 2001 thuggery protocol, I can tell you ahead of time what will happen.

The federally authorized orchestrators of gangstalking campaigns, those thugs that signal other gangstalkers as to the whereabouts of targeted individuals, will go to the Capitol building in Washington DC with some drivel about “being afraid for their lives and that of their families,” “I was only following orders,” and “wanting immunity from prosecution in exchange for the uncovering of gangstalking’s Top Secret methods, agendas, and operational procedures.”

The thuggery that the Congress of the United States unleashed upon American society, and indeed the world, has embedded in it protocols protecting the cowardice of its perpetrators from criminal prosecution, even the ones that orchestrated gangstalking’s assaults, rapes, and murders. } ]

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