The game that changed my life #tibia

1 year ago

This is #tibia. Today is 20 years since I started playing this game in 2003. This game taught me perseverance. Nothing prepared me more for life than this game.

Let me know in the comments if you played before 2010 and how it changed your life.

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This is the game that really started it all for me. I would spend over 5 hours a day playing this for years. I would “quit”, but something always brought me back. As a friend from Tibia once said to me “no one ever really quits Tibia”.

Every world had a long and interesting story of items, friendships, alliances, wars and the struggle for power. The thing that set this game apart from others were the death penalties. They were harsh and killing an enemy was the ultimate “f**k you”. You would manually grind all day in repetition in hope to find valuable and rare items, or just gaining levels to make your character stronger. If you died, you could lose days of work.

Forums were flooded on a daily basis and so much would happen while you were offline because people from all over the world were gaming while you were away from your keyboard. You could start wars with actions or words. Friends from all over the world would be on alert at all times of the day to be asked to log on for a pvp battle. The outcomes were epic.

The game is still running but has changed so much that it’s just about paying the most amount of money and spamming buttons. It got ruined by people sharing accounts, using bots to play their characters and using other software to give them an advantage over others. Instead of battling the problems, the developers simply allowed and provided everyone with the same tools.

I have over 1000 screenshots from Libera and Lucera. I wish they created a tibia classic from pre 2005 but I don’t think that will bring back enough people from 20 years ago…

#tibia #gaming #mmorpg #retro #retrogaming #2003 #tibiagame #onlinegaming #pvp

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