Forged in Battle: The Co-Evolution of Stoic Philosophy and the Western Military Tradition

1 year ago

Stoic philosophy and the Western profession of arms are inseparable. The Ancient Stoic tradition built upon resilience and leadership techniques discovered on the battlefield by Athenian and Spartan warriors. This philosophy would be carried onto Roman battlefields by legendary military leaders such as Scipio Africanus, Cato the Younger, and the Roman Emperor, Marcus Aurelius.

NeoStoicism would be fundamental to the Military Revolution of the 16th & 17th century that would professionalize Western militaries and pave the way for democracy and the industrial era. Great military philosophers from Raimondo Montecuccoli, Gerhard von Scharnhorst, Carl von Clausewitz, and Alden Partridge would further build upon the NeoStoic tradition to identify needed elements of military strategy, the ideal traits of military leadership, and supporting educational models.

While the Stoic tradition has had a strong impact on warfare into the 21st century, the direct knowledge of Stoic philosophy has largely been lost within the modern profession of arms. Regaining knowledge of this powerful philosophical tradition will be critical for continued success on the modern battlefield. It is time for Western militaries to reconnect to this philosophical tradition to ensure the psychological resilience of their soldiers and support for our democratic systems of government.

This lecture was given on June 23rd, 2023 in Calgary, Canada, in support of the Before Operational Stress Program. For more information on the BOS program visit:

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