Some top CCP officials are exposed to American values as their children are studying in the U.S.

10 months ago

8/11/2023 【Nicole on The John Fredericks Show】Nicole Tsai: The higher the position of officials within the top leadership of the CCP government and military, the more they are able to see the atrocities committed by the CCP. This makes them aware that they are complicit in aiding and abetting the evil CCP. Moreover, through the education of their children, who study in Western countries, those CCP officials are exposed to American values, which play a crucial role in inspiring people worldwide to fight for freedom.
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
8/11/2023 【妮可做客The John Fredericks节目】妮可:中共政府和军队高层人士的地位越高,他们越发能看到中共犯下的罪行,这让他们意识到他们是在为虎作伥。他们也通过其在西方国家学习的儿女接触到了美国价值观。美国价值观对激励全世界人民为自由而战至关重要。
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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