OBDM1124 - MH370 and the UFO Portal | Sam Harris is correct | Strange News

1 year ago

Mike, Joe and Cretched / Joe has new Blue Tooth / The Mystery of MH370 Airplane / UFO Footage and MH370 and the Portal / The Air Force and CIA know more / Strange Text from Diego Garcia / Old Wreckage and the NRO Disinfo / The Jones Plantation Movie: https://jonesplantationfilm.com / Bots Run the Internet / Sam Harris loves children / Sam Harris wants faith in the institutions / CNN and the working person / Poeple don't trust the system anymore / The Fact Check Machine / Open Lines / Johnny Rotten and the Elite / Chicago Hotdogs / AI Generated Meal Plans / ChatGPT Recipe / Peru Alien Attack Update / End

This Footage of Airplane Teleporting With UFOs Appeared After Malaysia Airlines MH370 Disappeared

Sat Video: MH370

Twitter: MH370

MH370 Airliner videos part III: The rabbit hole goes deeper than we thought

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