Eternal Inheritance Session 4

10 months ago

This is the fourth of five messages Doug gave in his interviews with GeorgeAnn Hughes in her podcast, The ByteShow, in 2010.
Here are my notes:
o Doug brings clarity to the passage in Ephesians 1 that is mistakenly used to imply that we as believers are adopted into God’s family. The Chinese translators bring out the better understanding that we ‘attain the name of a son’ – that is, to recover the lost inheritance. Sonship has the implication that once we reach maturity and competence, we are adopted into a new position in the family, entrusted to conduct our Father’s business in using His name and authority.
o Jesus, as man, through His obedience, recovered the inheritance that Adam lost through his disobedience.
o “Our biggest problem in possessing our inheritance is Adam – the old man.”
o We all are in a race. At the judgment seat of Christ it’s possible to find ourselves disqualified and therefore not receiving the prize – the reward of the inheritance we should have been fighting for. That’s the idea of being ‘saved so as through fire’ – having eternal life, but being denied the prize because of said disqualification.
o Do we want to settle for salvation? … or do we want a full salvation, “that which represents the fulness of our inheritance in Christ… is that which encompasses our full inheritance in Christ.”
o Quoting from what Doug heard at the conference (see below), “Our Lord is the Grand Architect of our circumstances; He knows how to arrange our circumstances in such a way to confront and bring out into the light that which still has its source in Adam.”
o What was (and is) the primary reason one did (or does) not attain their inheritance? Answer: idolatry.
o “Anything that represents Christianity that’s not on the ground of Christ is going to be shaken in the end… There’s a great and final shaking coming upon the church, leading up to just prior to the rapture of the church – a final shaking is coming. ‘Judgment must begin at the household of God.’”
o “Part of our inheritance is ruling and reigning with Christ in the Millennium.”
o “He (Jesus) has perfected everything that God expects or requires of you and me.”
o Entering God’s rest is another example of entering into our inheritance in Christ. Jesus Christ is God’s complete and utter satisfaction as to all He intends for man to be. As we discover Christ as our life, we discover more and more our rest in Christ as God’s satisfaction as to what He expects of us, being conformed to His image, and Christ to be fully formed in us. “He answers to all of God’s thought and purpose for man.”
o “The more we enter into the Father’s complacency and satisfaction that He has for Jesus Christ, the more we enter into and take possession of our inheritance in Christ.”
o “God already has His inheritance in Christ. And that inheritance that our Father has in Christ as Son of Man is our inheritance; we’re to be co-sharers with Him… We are co-inheritors, sharing the same body, fellow associates of the promise.”
o “The new covenant was only given to the new man. The old covenant was given to the old man; and the old man can’t keep it. That’s why a new covenant was made, and a new man is provided, so that we can walk in newness of life.”
o “From the point of salvation to the point of entering our rest in Christ, there is this process of dividing asunder of the soul and the spirit. Why? So the spirit can come into a place of ascendency, and the soul can be brought into submission to the human spirit in union with the Holy Spirit, and therefore, when the spirit in union with the Holy Spirit is in that place of ascendency, then the believer has entered into God’s rest.”
Resources mentioned and/or recommended:
2010 Northeast Christian Conference:
Miles J. Stanford: The Complete Green Letters
Maj. W. Ian Thomas: The Saving Life of Christ - and – The Mystery of Godliness - and – If I Perish, I Perish
Andrew Murray: The Two Covenants -
Watchman Nee: A Better Covenant -

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