Deep calls out to deep Part II (Ep. 8) 8/13/23

1 year ago

What is the big deal about God? Why should I want to go deeper? In this second part of 4 we will discuss the common question of what is God and who is God? We define who and what is God. We discuss what He desires in us, what stops us from growing into a deeper realtionship with him and why it is to our greatest benefit to dive deep.

God the creator, one true God, supreme being, perfect in power and goodness. As Christians we believe in God the father, son and Holy Spirit - the Holy Trinity.

Growing up and even as a young adult I had a hard time understanding how to have a realtionship with the Holy Spirit. I remember having and "aha" moment with my pastor's wife in South Carolina and telling her that the Holy Trinity is similar to how water can be in a liquid form, in a solid form like ice or in a vapor like steam. And she gently and lovingly explained that was my human brain way of reasoning and explaining the Holy Trinity but it is much deeper and profound than water, ice and vapor. Maybe this example helps you a little. Maybe this is also why the internet, when researching God on Google, does not mention the Holy Trinity.

Our belief does take faith, trust and it is something we prayerfully accept. So we cannot get all our ansers from the internet!

Take a moment to look at nature and the sky. God created it all, the clouds, the stars, the trees, the animals, the flowers, and you and me!

All of our days are predestined. He is the creator of the universe and worls. He is truth. He is our father. He is wisdom. He is sovereign. He is all powerful.

Somethings I struggled with is if God is all powerful and all knowing why do bad things happen? Why does he allow it? Why doesn't he just clean it up?

Yes God is all these things an dHe is all powerful but He does not exercise all power. This is something I learned from the book the Shack and from the book Elevation by Terry Tripp.

God does not force himself on us to choose Him. God loves us so much He gives us free will. He gives us the power of choice.

We live in a fallen world and we can see that in the bible. And this is why we needed a savior. Why we needed and need Jesus. Everything He did he said it comes from the Father. And when He rose again He left us with the Holy Spirit and everything we receive from the Holy Spirit comes from God the father.

God gives us power and authority here on earth.

For those that choose God the Father and Jesus why don't we go deeper with Him.

We become passive. As believers we stay as an infant and we want to be bottle fed. We want someone else to feed us liquid as opposed to coooking ourselves and digging into a recipe and eating solid food. Can you imagine if we were still drinking bottles or being breast fed as adults!

We becom compalcent and/or we want to be entertained as opposed to being led by the Holy Spirit we choke the Holy Spirit.

I asked a friend why do you think people are not choosing God? She has some really good points. One thing she said is that people don't want to conform. I think that is something being said and taught in churches and at home but that is not in the bible. Jesus did not come and say to conform. To conform is to live by standards, rules and regualtions. Noone can do that. Noone is perfect. Conformity is religion. Religion put Jesus on the cross. Jesus comes to meet us where we are at to transform us. He does so by invitation only. It is an encounter.

Somehow that religious way is back here in 2023.

Another reason as to why we dont go deep is we beleive God controls everything. Think of some of the "Chisitaneese" we speak that is not in the bible.
"God works in mysterious ways" No, God is transparent.
"God gives and takes away" No, God came to give. For God so loved the world He GAVE His only son so that noone will perish..." God did not come to take away. He is not the author of sickness and tragedy. Jesus came and He healed and He left us with that power,

God allows__ sickness, cancer - No! You can see the character of God when you learn about Jesus in the bible. He brought healing, He cured, He loved. He did not bring sickness.

I hope this helps you understand who is the God we serve. Don't take my word for it I hope this encourages you to grow deeper with the Lord.

I hope this clarifies as to why people don't choose God. As believers somehow we have allowed that same spirit of religion that killed Jesus back into our lives and churches.

I pray that as you go deeper he will give you revelation and insight "new wine to pu tin new wine skins," a new perspective as behold He is doing a new thing.

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