🇺🇸 A Failed State, Ruled By Psychopaths.

1 year ago

Is not a secret which country is the true war machine & the real terrorist of the world, filled up with the most brainwashed folks, with amazing levels of ignorance, hate and proudnesses of themselves.

“The best people of the world”
“The best country of the world”
“Blessed by god”
“The greatest nation on earth”
“They hate us for our freedom”
“Freedom & Democracy”

Does all that sounds like a clue?

Well… Syria, Libia, Yemen, and now Ukraine & Russia for the same ticket.

Not to mention the endless list of unprovoked wars before all this, set up conflicts, false flag attacks, invasions, and so on…

U.S. along with UK, and the Saudi alíes have left behind a record of massive destruction, mass murdering, chaos, and lies spread all over their history as a nation.

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