I, Modern Western Woman!! What are SIMPs and GIMPs The DragonShip With RP Thor # 60

1 year ago

The DragonShip With RP Thor # 60 I, Modern Western Woman!! What are SIMPs and GIMPs

Heated Debates Everywhere!
In modern times has Women have been changed forever? Women cannot Be a SIMP. What has happened. Severe Metabolic Syndrome, Self-Entitled, Boisterous and much more, Men are SIMPs what is that nearly all don’t even know, you should be looking for a GIMP if you are a man. Both Acronyms have become whatever you want them to be in the moment. We say No lets go back to what then mean actually, this would help the discourse between men and women. Attitude make the world go round and round, what happened to modern Western Women So, arm yourself with the experience of these successful men with real-world Impact, and willing to put themselves out there for your benefit.
Climb aboard for a timely discussion on The DragonShip!
“Vikings Raise the Shield Wall”!

With; RP Thor, Glenn Laurence, Paul from Comeonemanpod and Nuclear Caudillo.

Questions and comments with Super chats are welcome.


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Paul Bauer LOA Comeonmanpodsast

Sucker Idolizing Mediocre Pussy = SIMP
Girl Immortalizing Masterful Penis = GIMP= Alpha Widow

Heated Debate,

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