US Dollar -- Past, Present & Future | Yaron Brook Show

1 year ago

00:00 Intro
01:00 Show outline
06:30 Money
08:28 History of US Dollar
16:39 Bimetallic Standard
29:25 Founding Fathers
31:28 Gold Standard
32:50 Federal Reserve
35:35 Changes under Roosevelt
41:33 Bretton Woods system
50:40 Where we are today
55:10 Why we need money?
1:03:13 Abuse by government
1:06:30 Emerging Markets
1:12:56 Manipulation by FED

Live Questions:
1:17:32 Already a monthly contributor, but I get far more than I give and just wanted to even up the account somewhat.
1:18:50 how does all of this affect gold jewelry? where does it come from?
1:21:34 Just finished MBA though so I’m able to catch live shows again! Yaron is a PhD worth the several years and cost? Maybe you could do a show on education advice?
1:23:49 If Al ramps up economic growth to 3 or 4% a year, will quality of life and standard of living skyrocket even without significant tax and regulatory reform?
1:24:32 Why don’t u invite Charles Murray to discuss IQ tests. Not a debate but just a discussion. Why not listen to a mainstream expert like Murray?
1:28:27 If you understand how frequently people cope by projecting, you would learn to take absolutely nothing personally.
1:29:02 Bitcoin is the future.
1:29:08 You say nihilists are a very tiny percentage of the population, but I see nihilism everywhere. Just look at the YouTube comments sections. People are nasty and horrible. Thoughts?
1:31:51 Based on what you said the other day; I don't think being a "Mensch" means being an altruist. I always thought of it as being benevolent and honest. A good guy to be around.
1:33:00 From the free market POV, was the Boston Tea Party justified, the idea of destroying goods or products because there was a heavy tax or tariff on it?
1:35:00 Is there a connection between skepticism and conservatism? Or, what do you view as the political implications of skepticism?
1:37:04 Coin collectors did not have to turn in their gold coins, but it was announced that you could keep jus one coin of a certain date and mint mark. Noone ever checked.
1:39:49 It seems like you've done a "Yaron's rules for money" show , after all ! How has your week been, Dr. Brook? Who suggested this topic?
1:41:49 Why did Rand remain on good terms with Greenspan when it was clear to Harry B that he had abandoned free market economics & the gold standard?
1:43:26 What is your thoughts on Quantitative thightning?
1:44:42 Why would anyone care abt gold when there’s bitcoin and crypto?
1:47:28 Mike Mazza and Jason Rheins would be good guests.

1:47:36 Outro

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