11 months ago

Kleshcheevka: a portal to hell for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
A lightning assault on our armored group ⚡️💥🔥
On the southern flank of Artyomovsk, tankers and the 3rd motorized rifle battalion of the 85th brigade go on the attack and destroy the enemy.
At the forefront is the world's best tank T-90M "Breakthrough", followed by 2 infantry fighting vehicles with troops. They attacked so unexpectedly and harshly that the artillery of the Armed Forces of Ukraine woke up just before the departure of our combat machines, and even then they could not hit any of them, according to military correspondent Zhdanov.
Now, in fierce battles, Russian units are regaining the initiative in this sector of the front. Yes, the process is complex and not fast, but the enemy is already forced to retreat from a number of previously captured positions.
Translated from RVvoenkor (
In the battle near Kleshcheevka, Russian soldiers captured several units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at once
▪️Today our soldiers carried out a series of counterattacks and then repulsed the offensive of the armored group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
▪️Under Kleshcheevka, during the raid, reconnaissance captured 8 enemy militants at once.
▪️On the outskirts of Kleshcheevka, the 4th brigade of the LNR defeated an enemy platoon, from which the survivors surrendered.
▪️Another group was taken between Kleshcheevka and Andreevka.

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