
1 year ago

(Written by Ben Antoniadis)

Too woke to be awake
Too liberal to be free
Too zealous for consensus
Too correct, politically
Too lavish your tenure
In ivory tower where you posture
How wonderful your life
More equal than others
Hey, hey, lady, have another Chardonnay

Too gluttonous the greed
Too greedy to be free
Too big to fail
Too greedy to succeed
Pulling trillions outta thin air
Like casino in Sin City
Bankers stack the cards
And the house goes on winning
Hey, hey, gentlemen, kick a beggar today

Too New Age for wisdom
Too glorified for the Kingdom
Too quick to say you’re right
Too slow to admit you’re wrong
But pride goes before a fall
Don’t I know it all
And when you get so high
Is it elevation or the Fall?
Hey, hey, Adam, you’re a free man today
Condemned to be free, like the old man say

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