Why We Should Fear This New Human Species | Horror Story | Scary Story | yajuj and majuj

1 year ago

Why We Should Fear This New Human Species | Horror Story | Scary Story
Thankz For Watching ^-^

If you encounter these human-like beings, run and hide. Take enough food with you. They are mentioned in the New Testament and described in detail in the Quran. These holy texts talk about a tribe called Yājūj and Mājūj/Gog and Magog. They are currently trapped behind a wall that is starting to crack, and they are slowly breaking it. It's not the Great Wall of China. When they come out, they will be a large number. They can drink an entire lake in a day, leaving nothing for others. They will use arrows to kill humans and commit terrible crimes. They will even try to destroy the heavens, claiming to have killed angels and sky-dwelling people. Jesus/Prophet Isha will return to defeat the Antichrist/Al-Masih ad-Dajjal (Be a video on it Zoon^_^) but he will have to hide along with the believers because they cannot fight against such a large group. God will send a disease or parasite that will kill all of them, leaving behind piles of corpses. Birds that eat meat will carry away their decaying bodies, and a massive rainstorm will cleanse the world and revive the lands, removing the foul smell.
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********AZ ALWAYZ***********

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#VALF #Supernatural #Horror Story #Scary Story #Ghost story #Real life story #Yājūj and Mājūj #yajuj and majuj

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