1984, Chapter Twelve.

10 months ago

Winston takes the chance to rent a small room above an antique shop for he and Julia to meet on occasion.

He accepts his inevitable fate, as he will surely end up in the Ministry of Love (prison) for his crime of individuality and having a romantic relationship outside the approval of the party.

We don't have telescreens precisely in today's world, but who is ever more than a few feet away from a 'smart' phone, a TV or computer.

We know there is always the possibly of eyes and ears accessing the most intimate parts of our lives. We know that personal activity is monitored and a behavioural model is being always developed in order to anticipate our thoughts, our desires. How far removed are we from Orwell's dystopic hellscape. Maybe the price of liberty is too high, or maybe we are too distracted by the digital reality to see the truth around us.

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